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Accelerator Bands formula /E-signal

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  • Accelerator Bands formula /E-signal

    Is there someone out there willing to develop for E-signal charts Price Headley's Accelerator Bands that are more accurate than Bollinger Bands in all markets.

    For sample purposes, attached is file one of two in text format with the actual formulas for Meta Stock and TradeStation.

    The three other formula files can be shared and two are in .els (easy language) format and can be e-mailed directly after request.

    Any developer types(programmer) willing to create these formulas for e-signal charts?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Second formula .txt file/Acceleration Bands

    Attached is the second .txt file that offers additional formula background on the "acceleration bands" and "Mdivergence" indicators for Tradestation and Meta Stock format.
    Please use as a guide to convert for E-signal charts.

    First file: 114translation2.txt
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Accel Bands


      Here is a quick try at it.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Accel Bands

        Lower band calc was incorrect in last version. Try this instead.

        Attached Files


        • #5
          Re: Accel Bands

          Originally posted by ckryza
          Lower band calc was incorrect in last version. Try this instead.

          Hi Chris, Ref: Your post Accel Bands - Posted: 02-14-2003 01:02 PM

          I'm new to esignal, the boards and javascript! I've used AIQ's package for trading/programming before so esignals is one steep learning curve but i'm getting there! I've tried to come up with my version of acceleration bands and gave up. Found the Forums and wow I came across your post. Many thanks. These boards are full of great stuff. Can I please ask a couple of questions on the post and program for accn bands??

          1) Is it possible to allow the bands to be plotted in advance/to the right of the current price? eg the value of the upper/lower bands today would be printed 5 days/periods in advance and todays bands would be those of 5 days ago?? I saw a very recent post of (MA Offset 03-05-2003) where gspiker was talking of drawlinerelative functions being the only way to do this (if ive understood his post correctly!). Is it possible to tweak your formula to represent this???

          2) I see the accn bands do not print a value until the period bar has closed, which i guess comes from the setcompute on close function. Was there a reason for this and can it be altered to compute with the current "close"/"last" value???

          Many thanks in advance


          • #6
            Hi John:

            I still use AIQ for my EOD strategies so I know what you mean about the learning curve.

            Regarding the script... I modified the AccelBand script so that there is now a new parameter called nOffset which will allow you to offset the band display by x-number of bars. However, the band display will still be cut off at the current bar. There is no elegant way to combine the returning of values with the drawing continuation lines that I have found (and I have tested it). Sorry.

            Regarding the bar update issue... yes, that is simply a matter of remming out the ComputeOnClose() line. The attached script has it turned off.

            Attached Files


            • #7

              Thanks Chris, you're a star! Thats exactly what I was after. Its a pity it cant go forward in time as it might have been nice to see potential profit objectives in advance of them coming but it is 99% of what I was after. Thanks again.
              All the best.

