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Current server's number

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  • Current server's number

    Sometimes there are data related problems that usually occur when 11 is first opened. Such as no data for one of the symbols that you have on a page etc. This is almost always fixed by reopening 11, and I guess connecting to a new server. However, I have noticed the same problems recurring at a later date when it seems that you have hit that server again.
    I almost never have data problems during market hours, but over the years I have read about hundreds of such cases on the Forums. The answer is always to contact support to see which server the user is on. But if you can't spare the time at that moment, the server problem remains unfixed.

    Wouldn't it be possible to have a way for the user to easily identify the current server before he closes 11 so that he can report the incident later with the server's number?

    Thank you for considering this,

    I tried to submit this in the Request a Feature form but kept getting [An error occurred during submitting data to server] .
    Last edited by jay60; 11-02-2011, 02:16 AM.

  • #2
    missing data

    I can put in this request for you to our developers. If there is a data problem with either missing data or a bad price you can submit it without even calling support by using the following link.

    I'm not sure what you mean by if we can't spare the time. We can always spare the time to help a client out and if there is an issue with a price on one of our servers, support can report it and generally these things are fixed very quickly. Hope this helps.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Re: missing data


      I'm sorry that I wasn't clearer. Even though my native language is English, I haven't used it in so many years that it's hard to explain things.

      My point was that server problems often occur at times when you (the user, not eSignal) can't spare the time to call support or submit forms. And once the user reboots 11 the server to which he
      was connected is no longer known, So the problem is not fixed.

      Originally posted by eostrom
      I can put in this request for you to our developers. If there is a data problem with either missing data or a bad price you can submit it without even calling support by using the following link.

      I'm not sure what you mean by if we can't spare the time. We can always spare the time to help a client out and if there is an issue with a price on one of our servers, support can report it and generally these things are fixed very quickly. Hope this helps.
      Last edited by jay60; 11-02-2011, 07:24 AM.


      • #4
        I think that's an outstanding suggestion Jay. I'm not sure if it's terchnically possible or not but we'll check it out.



        • #5

          Several years ago Larry Marchman and I collaborated on an Internet Connection to Application Monitor (shown below) which I could strip down to the basics and save the last eSignal server which was connected. So if enough people are interested I could do this.

          Attached Files


          • #6
            Thanks Bob. We will need to capture all connected servers (tick, history, etc) and the name of that server. Could your app do that as well?



            • #7

              Attached is capture of an earlier version of the program which does not monitor Applications verses Ports but this will monitor a range of Ports. This program runs on both Windows XP & Windows 7 (64 bit) and the other program would not run on Windows 7 (64 bit).

              Attached Files


              • #8

                Attached is capture of my modified program for monitoring eSignal Ports. The Log is kept for as long as
                the users wishes and may be annotated or old history deleted.

                Attached Files
                Last edited by bobscott; 11-08-2011, 11:31 AM.

