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Problem with 60 min bars including pre or post market activity

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  • Problem with 60 min bars including pre or post market activity

    Hi Can someone from Esignal help me? I sent an email to last week, but it bounced back. My question was as follows:
    "Last June I was told to send an email to this beta email address (which I did), to try and raise concern on a known data problem concerning the last bar of the day on advanced charts. It doesn't apparently affect basic charts.The problem still exists today and I have another example looking at the MERQ symbol on the Nasdaq.If you compare the 60min chart with the 65/30min, the close of the day is different for the 12th March 04.The reason given last year was " it won't register the last bar but will shoot out to complete the last interval, so what ever lies in that timeframe will be included" ie for a 60min chart it will read any data between 3.30 and 4.30pm NYT. This was decribed to me by the Customer services rep last year. He explained that numbers that divide equally into the minutes of the trading day (390 for the equities) are ok for the charts but that numbers that do not divide equally/evenly into the 390 minutes will show spurious closes ( eg charts for 60/ 17min). For some strange reason the 12min chart is ok despite the fact it doesn't divide equally into the 390min day. My computer is set to Pacific time and is running 7.6 (build 634).
    This is a serious problem that messes up not just indicators. Do you have a date when you'll be nailing this one down???
    Thank you

  • #2


    • #3
      Intraday Data problems

      Thanks Marc, I'll try that address.


      • #4

        I don't believe that the other beta address will go through either. We only use the beta address when we are in an active beta period with our software. Otherwise, all inquiries should be sent to Technical Support via our Contact Us page or posted on this board just as you have.

        While I try to duplicate what you're explaining here, if you happen to have some screenshot examples handy, or can create them and post them here, that would be most helpful.



        • #5

          Apparently, this is a known issue and is on our internal bug list. Our next release is due out in June (ver 7.7) so hopefully this problem can get addressed in that version. Won't know until the coding gets a bit further along but we'll certainly keep this issue on the active list until resolved.



          • #6
            60min chart data problems

            Thanks for the response Scott.
            Is there any way we can put more emphasis on this problem? June will be a year since I first reported the problem. Esignal has won many awards for its data but it seems it can't draw 60minute charts correctly. What use are all the whizz-bang indicators if the data is incorrect?
            Any help to get some fix in the next release would be appreciated
            Thanks again,


            • #7
              Hi John,

              With input from a variety of sources, our Product Develpoment and Engineering groups get together prior to each release and make a plan as to what they will tackle in the upcoming 2-3 releases. That list is somewhat fluid since we do encounter "new" problems and have to address pressing internal requirements that pop-up on occasion. The issue you are referencing has been on the list for some time but I have to say I haven't seen much demand from users to address it.

              Demand is certainly one factor in determining our priority list, as it is for most businesses, but we also have to consider the work involved, the unintended consequences, the lost opporuntunities ( those issues we didn't address ), etc. I've changed the title of this thread to be a bit more specific about this issue. Perhaps other users have found adequate work-arounds to this limitation or will chime in on the importance of resolving.

              In case it helps, here's how we have this issue described in our tracking database:

              When an interval ends outside a Time Template's range, the data is still included. A 60 minute chart will not show partial bars, only full 60 minute bars. If you have a 60 minute chart where the open time is 30 past the hour, the first bar will include 30 minutes prior.


              • #8
                Problem with intraday bars

                Hi Scott,
                Thanks for your response and explaining the development process. I think, as you've mentioned, that perhaps most people are not aware of this as a problem, so thank you for trying to raise more awareness.
                Just one thing. Where you quoted the issue description below, it seems to suggest that the opening bar of the day is a problem too. My analysis seems to suggest that it's only the last bar of the day that has a problem with the close/high/low. ie if the day starts at 9;30 am then whether its a 30min bar or 60/18/34/xyz min bar then the open of that bar is always 9;30 and the bars close will depend on the bars duration.
                So, the only problem I was aware of was that of the final bar of the day where, for example, if its a 60min bar it picks up any data from 3.30pm (NYT) to 4.30pm, regardless of whether you set the time template to 4pm market close. Thats why the close/high/low can vary because its picking up post-market data. This obviously affects any timeframe that doesn't divide into 390mins (normal market day) evenly, and this doesn't finish the last bar at 4pm (NYT)

                Am I right on both of my assunptions above or have I missed something?
                Thanks again


                • #9
                  I think this may fall under the same problem.

                  Data does not sync with the opening and closing of the exchange. For example, if you use a 24 hour chart on $TNX and use a 60 minute timeframe all of the bars start at midnight local time, not when the CBOT pit opens (8:20 ET). This skews the data. The only way to get around the problem is to restrict the interval to 20 minutes or some smaller number that fits into 20 minutes. Of course I could change the time template, but then that messes up the symbols from different exchanges with different hours.

                  Suggestion: Use the opening time of the exchange as the start of the day. If it is traded overnight like ES then midnight makes sense. You could have a switch of some kind to differentiate between regular exchange hours and pre/post market.


                  • #10

                    I think you are correct that this issue impacts the closing bar and not the open in the examples you've illustrated.

                    As Gavishti points out, there are some other issues with opening/closing times (another is with odd time intervals like 13 minutes) and all of these are being looked at to see where improvements can be made.



                    • #11
                      I don't want to beat a dead horse but here's an example of why this issue really needs addressing. Note that the time template is RTH central time.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Here it is on the same RTH session chart, 60 minute interval. The favorable response to good earnings after the bell is very obvious in that last bar, but should not be displayed given the time template hours.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Data problem

                          Thanks Brian and Gavishti for posting your thoughts and charts. As Scott said, the more people that chime in with this problem the more important this becomes on ESignal's radar. As he mentioned, there may be someone who has a bright idea for an immediate workaround, but until then I encourage everyone to post unseen related problems and not to worry about dead horses!!! LOL!


                          • #14
                            Well here's my vote:

                            I ABSOLUTELY NEED ACCURATE 60 MINUTE BARS.

                            Please fix this as soon as possible.

                            I was shocked to discover that for oex, the first 60min bar is actually 30 minutes long, and the last (and extra) bar contains about 1-3 minutes worth of data. This is a basic function and should work. period.

                            Any more votes?


                            • #15
                              I found a posted response from e-signal that this was a known issure in 2002. Why am I having this problem in 2007? I am new to e-signal, and this is crippling me. I had several back and forths with tech, and decided to stay with E signal for the remainder of my 1 year subscription, but wish I had not closed my Tradestation account. I did not experience this issue with Scottrade, Tradestation, or Cybertrader. I am in central time. I re-set my pc to eastern, and used the eastern timeplate...same diff. If this has not been resolved in 5 years, does E signal not take it seriously? I have been told by tech that a time cannot be supplied when a fix will be avail. I guess 5 years since this post is my answer. Any body have a workaround? I've tried every conceivable timeplate edit poss with no luck?

