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Slow Chart Performance - Rendering Data

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  • Slow Chart Performance - Rendering Data

    Does anyone have a solution to slow chart performance? I find that peak hours are slow and 60 min and faster charts loaded with only 2 MA's and volume take an average of 20-30 seconds to load or more. Also, new symbols generally have a slower response time than pre-loaded symbols. I usually select daily first then another time frame to get anything else to render. Note: I have had this problem with earlier versions as well and I have redundant high speed (3MB avg.) connections and 64MB DDR Video cards - 2.4 GHz CPU - 1 GB RAM. Does Esignal use tick data to render charts? Any ideas?


  • #2
    Calling up intraday charts on stocks has become much slower over the past week or so. Not sure if a change has been made to Esignal, but if so, I hope it gets changed back.

    My biggest fear is Esignal will start using Comstock data & Esignal's performance will become equal to Qcharts.

    That's why I haven't gone the 12 month esignal plan & am paying only by month.

    I'll never put up with another Qcharts type data feed again.


    • #3

      yes. you are both very right. the data delivey is starting to slow down. sometimes dramatically. new servers are needed and revenue is just not there. so maybe time to look for other providers instead of putting up with it. its easy to switch just like switching brokers. you just apply, download and you can quit the old service. no problems really. so if it keeps up i know a large group of us that will up and go too along with the others.

      Question: why doesnt tick data get fed sometimes. my charts opften come back with 'No Data' after trying for a bit. usually after hours. do we shut down the feed for T tick, and V volume charts?

      why does this happens and how does it get fixed?

      i cant pull up data. seems to me a daily refund should occur just as with the cable companies and the telephone companies.



      • #4
        eSignal Servers

        If you are having nodata or slow data problems you should work with the service people and let them help you. Either looking at your connections or your work spaces.

        eSignal just spent $500K on upgrading the entire server farm. We have plenty of horse power available. Interactive Data (our parent company) is investing in the Comstock ticker plant which is what we'll be using for Asia / Pacific International data to be launched in 7.4 with more International data to follow.

        In this on going series of improvements, we've upgraded Eurex this week, we'll be upgrading the European data in the new few months. We have a true commitment to investment and software improvements - like the 4 eSignal software releases we've done in the last year.


        • #5
          Thanks for the response but I know it's not my connection or hardware. I have redundant 3mb connections and I have invested heavily in my trading computers -see specs from original post.

          NOTE: I have software to monitor my internet connection - plus fail-over routers if I lose a connection. I randomly check my logs and connection speeds when I encounter slow response (chart rendering) from esignal and my internet connections where fine. New symbol data and peak trading hours seemed to be the slowest when trying to render charts. 60 min charts or faster usually take the longest and the only way I could make them render was to select Daily first, then another time frame. Any other suggestions?



          • #6
            yes we know its not our connections. lol. we have been forced to hear that from our brokers for how many years now? lol. we too smart for that.

            but esignal still trying to tell us that there is no problem. we trying to help them out by clueing them in and whatdo they say? "There Is No Problem" lol

            i am truley amazed at how esignal handles customer complaints. and as far as talking to the customer sevice peopelabout it? roflmFao. the last and final time i did this was when they changed my whole data feed to europeon options anmd turned all my ohter feeds off. my call that day was to inquire about futures data only. and the previosu times all they say is "did ya try to reboot?, well, did you try to reboot again?, how about once more time? oh it must be your computer, blah blah blah..."

            ahem.... yes there is a problem! we all see it and we all talk about it in the rooms. thats okay though. we know what to do in case of denial. we did it to Etrash/Etrade years ago when they said the same thing switching chart providers is even easier adn after you switch you can see new things that help you with your trading anyways. always good not to accept bull and try new things

            and thanks for letting us know this ahead of time....

            previous psoter says "My biggest fear is Esignal will start using Comstock data & Esignal's performance will become equal to Qcharts."


            • #7
              Aerbis and n23mc,

              Thank you for your posts.

              I would like to work with you on this to determine if there is something on our end or if there's is something else happening here. Please send me an email with your eSignal user name, and if you can publish your page to a File Sharing Group so I can try to duplicate the problem here.

              Jay F.
              eSignal Community Suport

              Originally posted by aerbis
              Thanks for the response but I know it's not my connection or hardware.
              Any other suggestions?

              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


              • #8
                Actually, I found out how to fix it. If I continually log off & log back in, eventually it'll work fast. Does it switch servers each time a user logs in? If so, is there any way to find which one you're currently using and switch to a different one? I know it can be done thru the live chat in customer support, but when I'm trading, wasting time playing those games is extremely costly as a trader. It's qcharts all over again. Thanks


                • #9
                  Re: Reply to post 'Slow Chart Performance - Rendering Data'

                  hey neat trick! dotn forget to use CTRL-E then because i bet this is goona
                  be a prolonged thing.

                  i found out that i dont need to do that with sierra charts. the data just
                  pops up everytime. no games allowed i guess. lol

                  Last edited by alias; 07-16-2003, 09:39 AM.


                  • #10
                    Note to Esignal: My questions are sincere. Please don't confuse my posts with the sarcastic ones of the poster named "alias".



                    • #11
                      Re: Reply to post 'Slow Chart Performance - Rendering Data'

                      oh please. mine are very sincere as well. its jsut hat i know full well hwo
                      bad esignal gets when solving problems. in fact, i have one yahoo esignal
                      person that is 'working' on the problem right now adn cant stop asking the
                      same damn questiosn over and over again.

                      i finally had to tell him to leave me alone. its always the same. and jsut
                      like i thought he started to blame it on my isp, computer, this that, etc.
                      like they always do.

                      no sarcasim at all. pure true and you guys know it.

                      Last edited by alias; 07-16-2003, 09:38 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by n23mc
                        Actually, I found out how to fix it. If I continually log off & log back in, eventually it'll work fast. Does it switch servers each time a user logs in? If so, is there any way to find which one you're currently using and switch to a different one? ...
                        Regarding your questions, quite often a user will be on different servers when they log in and out, however as all the servers are load balanced very evenly this shouldn't produce any better results either way. Our philosophy is to handle all the server balancing, redirecting, etc. on our end. We feel that our users would rather look at the markets and trade then worry about if they're on the right server or server farm. If a server needs to be taken down for maintenance or repair, all connections are seemlessly redirected to the best server for each user.

                        I have passed along the additional details about the workaround, and this may point the software engineers in the right direction.
                        Jay F.
                        Product Manager
                        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                        • #13
                          JayF - Goto Data Manager, Receiver, Comm - I-Net - Ip Adddress.

                          CM*.esignal.Com is the name of the virtual server for the esignal Server Farm(s)

                          They probably either use a Local Director ( i.e. hardware router ) to redirect you to a server or some type of load balancing software application.

                          Hey, I would rather let esignal handle the load, but when you trade for a living, I need a fix NOW!


                          • #14
                            To keep everyone in the loop, aerbis was kind enough to work directly with our network engineers this morning to help in finding where this problem exists on our end. Thank you for your help! We have identified where on our side the problem is occurring, and our engineers are working on finding a solution. Once we have further details, we'll be sure to update this thread.
                            Jay F.
                            Product Manager
                            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

