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Tick added to a chart as a study

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  • #16

    Thanks for the reply. I suspected that the synchronization might cause a change in behavior. However, with the symbols I use ($TICK as my main symbol, $SPX as my study symbol) there never are any zero volume bars as far as I can tell.

    If you read my latest reply you'll notice that I was getting the behavior you described on a 1-minute interval.

    However, it was with the 30S interval that the study symbol ($SPX) would update only when the new bar was FORMED but as more prices came in for both the main symbol and the study symbol only the main symbol would update and not the study symbol, even though they are both in the same bar.

    Since I stopped using the new efs I haven't looked at this for a few days, but will put it back up again to test it again but am pretty sure there are differences in behavior between intervals that are <1Min and those >=1Min.


    • #17
      Hi guys, in working with Jason on figuring out what's going on with the behavior you're seeing, I noticed that the Second tick charts weren't having their sync'd time calculated in the same way as the interval charts. I've added an option for the S intervals to behave in the same manner as the interval charts (before, they were just grouped with the rest of the 'unsyncable' tick intervals) for Build 722.


      • #18

        Great, thank you.

        What is the purpose of having some intervals unsyncable, or in the case of S-interval, having an option? Shouldn't they all be syncable?


        • #19

          I just retried SymbolCompareAsNPS.efs (EFS2 version) with Build 725 and am observing the same behavior that I outlined below when using S-interval charts.

          Was the change you mentioned supposed to be in this build or is it coming in a later build?


          • #20
            Hi buhr, if you're comparing S to other S, or minute intervals, it will (or should) sync up.

            Any comparisons (S or otherwise) to T or V intervals will NOT work correctly.

            We're unable to provide syncing for T and V intervals because these intervals are not of constant time on the X-Axis.


            • #21

              I don't see any difference with the new build. What is happening is the same as I described before: with an interval of 1, for example, every time the $SPX updates, the SPX in the study window will update. However, when I use an interval of 30S the study symbol, $SPX, only updates when the main symbol, $TICK, updates so that the study only updates twice a minute whereas using the EFS1 version of the code the study updates every time the $SPX changes.



              • #22
                Hi everyone,

                This post is of interest to me because I would like to plot $TICK on a 50t chart (24 hours) of YM #F which currently is impossible as it totally out of sync.

                What I would like to see is that eSignal is smart enough to determine that the start and end times of $TICK and YM #F are totally different and adjust accordingly, ie when $TICK is not available in out of hours of YM #F, the plot shows nothing and restarts at the appropriate time and ties in with the 50T chart or whatever you want to use.

                Currently I have to have separate charts to monitor.

                Another similar sync issue is concerning daily data of continuous futures such as NQ #F, ES #F etc... which trade on half days when the cash markets are generally closed being the counterparts $NDX, $SPX and so on. This is a big problem when you use indicators based on the cash market plotted on the continuous charts, as a day is missing on the cash charts. Again this should be remedied and nothing should be shown on that day.

                Last edited by rcameron; 06-14-2005, 03:14 PM.


                • #23
                  buhr, could you try using $SPX as the main symbol and $TICK as the study symbol (reversing what you have now)?

                  rcameron: T charts can not be sync'd in eSignal (as you've found out =) ). The syncing needs to know which interval is 'higher' than the other, in order to find appropriate matches.


                  • #24

                    Here are the results with SPX as main symbol, TICK as study:

                    30S and 60S Intervals: TICK, which updates every 6 secs. according to T&S, would most times update concurrently with a new TICK and at other times miss the new TICK. I ran the EFS1 and EFS2 versions at the same time and the EFS1 version would update every time while the EFS2 version would not.

                    I also added $SPX as a study and it appeared to update every time.

                    I also found a couple of instances in which the TICK did not update with a 1-minute interval.

                    This is where I found the EFS:

                    Hope this helps.


                    • #25
                      Is this supposed to work now with Build 730?

                      The same problem seems to occur in which the study will not update concurrently all the time, esp. when using the 30S interval.


                      • #26

                        I just checked this with the latest build (738) and see that the problem of the very slow updating of values when using EFS2 is still there.

                        Has anyone been able to make any progress towards getting this problem fixed?

                        Right now I still have to use EFS1 as it most accurately reflects the last values.


