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FTP screen shot via EFS

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  • FTP screen shot via EFS

    I don't believe it is possible, so I am offering it up as a suggestion. Currently, you can right-click, go to FTP, and have esignal send a screen shot to an FTP server. Great functionality. I would LOVE to do this via EFS. That way, I can make the EFS output a button on the chart to make this a single-click action. The EFS could feed the FTP server/login info to the function call and auto-generate the filename.

    Once the file is uploaded, the EFS could utilize existing functionality and make an HTTP call to a webservice to post the image on twitter or a blog. All of this could be from a single click on the chart and would make life SO much easier.

    A bunch of "esignal" screen shots out on twitter (or blogs) would be great marketing for eSignal! ;]

    Thank you,
    eSignal File Share: