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long short parameters needs help

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  • long short parameters needs help

    i've started a new thread from this re:

    Originally posted by michaelm
    i'm trying to get this stuff, but i am really more a trader than a programmer. i really appreciate those of you who are gurus at this.

    the indicator formula i'm refering to is below.

    from this i would like to go long 0.25point above blue bar high (or short -0.25 below low of red bar). All actions should be sent to Alert Window.

    if long entered, set initial stop loss at 4 points. if new signal to short happens before initial stop loss hit, then it will reverse and cxl the initial stop loss. if trade goes +2 points in favor, then move initial stop loss to a break even stop. if trade goes +5points, then cover 1/2 of trade, have the BE stop adjust for 1/2 left, and the 1/2 left of trade will stay on until there is a short signal, whereupon it will cover that 1/2 and go short.
    visa versa for the short side.

    i would like trade signals to occur only between 6:30 - 13:00 pst, M-F. thus, new trades initiate only after 6:30, and cover if in trade at 12:59.

    I am also including link to
    this thread, which seems like you had some great ideas.
    here's what i've been able to come up with so far, but doens't result in any trades via backtest.
    where is it going wrong?

    // This formula was generated by the Alert Wizard
    //}}EFSWizard_Description 7532


    var vADXDM = new ADXDMStudy(6);
    var vLastAlert = -1;

    //}}EFSWizard_Declarations 6291

    function preMain() {
    * This function is called only once, before any of the bars are loaded.
    * Place any study or EFS configuration commands here.
    setStudyTitle("APnt6 alrt bs test");
    setCursorLabelName("APnt6 aBS", 0);
    setDefaultBarStyle(PS_SOLID, 0);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);
    setDefaultBarThickness(2, 0);
    setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 0);
    addBand(0, PS_SOLID, 1, Color.yellow);
    //}}EFSWizard_PreMain 29888


    function main() {
    * The main() function is called once per bar on all previous bars, once per
    * each incoming completed bar, and if you don't have 'setComputeOnClose(true)'
    * in your preMain(), it is also called on every tick.

    if ((
    vADXDM.getValue(ADXDMStudy.PDI)-vADXDM.getValue(ADXDMStudy.NDI) > 0) &&
    Strategy.isLong() == false
    ) onAction1()
    //}}EFSWizard_Expression_1 12182

    else if ((
    vADXDM.getValue(ADXDMStudy.PDI)-vADXDM.getValue(ADXDMStudy.NDI) < 0) &&
    Strategy.isShort() == false
    ) onAction2()
    //}}EFSWizard_Expression_2 15465

    else if (
    1 < 1
    ) onAction3()
    //}}EFSWizard_Expression_3 6495

    else if (
    Strategy.isInTrade() == true &&
    Strategy.isLong() == true &&
    getHour() > 6 &&
    getHour() < 13 &&
    getDay() >= monday &&
    getDay() <= friday
    ) onAction4()
    //}}EFSWizard_Expression_4 28794

    else if (
    Strategy.isInTrade() == true &&
    Strategy.isShort() == true &&
    getHour() > 6 &&
    getHour() < 13 &&
    getDay() >= monday &&
    getDay() <= friday
    ) onAction5()
    //}}EFSWizard_Expression_5 28757

    else if (
    Strategy.isLong() == true &&
    open() >= Strategy.isLong()+2
    ) onAction6()
    //}}EFSWizard_Expression_6 15354

    else if (
    Strategy.isShort() == true &&
    open() < Strategy.isShort()-2
    ) onAction7();
    //}}EFSWizard_Expression_7 14676

    //}}EFSWizard_Expressions 192117

    return vADXDM.getValue(ADXDMStudy.PDI)-vADXDM.getValue(ADXDMStudy.NDI);
    //}}EFSWizard_Return 5500


    function postMain() {
    * The postMain() function is called only once, when the EFS is no longer used for
    * the current symbol (ie, symbol change, chart closing, or application shutdown).

    function onAction1() {
    if (vLastAlert != 1) setPriceBarColor(Color.RGB(0,0,255));
    if (vLastAlert != 1) Strategy.doLong("", Strategy.STOP, Strategy.NEXTBAR, Strategy.ALL, 0.25);
    vLastAlert = 1;
    //}}EFSWizard_Action_1 28731

    function onAction2() {
    if (vLastAlert != 2) setPriceBarColor(;
    if (vLastAlert != 2) Strategy.doShort("", Strategy.STOP, Strategy.NEXTBAR, Strategy.ALL, -0.25);
    vLastAlert = 2;
    //}}EFSWizard_Action_2 31237

    function onAction3() {
    vLastAlert = 3;
    //}}EFSWizard_Action_3 10592

    function onAction4() {
    Strategy.doSell("LongPT5 exit", Strategy.LIMIT, Strategy.THISBAR, Strategy.DEFAULT, 5);
    if (vLastAlert != 4) Alert.addToList(getSymbol(), "Long @ "+(high()+.25), Color.RGB(0,0,0), Color.RGB(0,128,0));
    vLastAlert = 4;
    //}}EFSWizard_Action_4 34958

    function onAction5() {
    Strategy.doCover("ShortPT5 Exit", Strategy.LIMIT, Strategy.THISBAR, Strategy.DEFAULT, -5);
    if (vLastAlert != 5) Alert.addToList(getSymbol(), "Short @ "+(low()-.25), Color.RGB(0,0,0), Color.RGB(195,0,0));
    vLastAlert = 5;
    //}}EFSWizard_Action_5 33997

    function onAction6() {
    if (vLastAlert != 6) Strategy.clearStop();
    if (vLastAlert != 6) Strategy.setStop(0);
    vLastAlert = 6;
    //}}EFSWizard_Action_6 17490

    function onAction7() {
    if (vLastAlert != 7) Strategy.clearStop();
    if (vLastAlert != 7) Strategy.setStop(0);
    vLastAlert = 7;
    //}}EFSWizard_Action_7 18210

    //}}EFSWizard_Actions 257074