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Atuo Hi Low help needed

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  • Atuo Hi Low help needed

    Thanks for the auto refresh high. Only problem is no figures of its value in the right column even ehen selected, nothing shows up. Could you recheck it get the high of the day starting from 0 hour. Right now it seem to only give high of the time period of the chart being used.
    Enclosed formula for auto refresh Hi but the Auto refresh low does not work at all properly. Could you check it our. Lines in the wrong place
    Being a trader and not a EFS writer makes it very hard for me. If you could correct the auto hi and the low it would be greatly appreciated
    AUTO REFRESH HI Auto refresh low right below that.
    unction preMain() {
    setStudyTitle("Auto High line");

    var vHigh = null;
    var x1 = null;

    function main() {
    if (getDay() != getDay(-1)) {
    vHigh = high();
    x1 = getCurrentBarIndex();

    if (x1 == null) x1 = getCurrentBarIndex();

    var h = callFunction("/OHLC/getTodayOHLC1.efs", "main", "high");
    if (h != null) {
    vHigh = Math.max(vHigh, h);
    if (getCurrentBarIndex() == 0 && getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) x1 -= 1;
    drawLineRelative(x1+1, vHigh, 0, vHigh, PS_SOLID, 3, Color.aqua, "High");

    return null;

    AUTO REFRESH LOW (Not working right)
    function preMain() {
    setStudyTitle("Auto Low line");

    var vLow = null;
    var x1 = null;

    function main() {
    if (getDay() != getDay(-1)) {
    vLow = low();
    x1 = getCurrentBarIndex();

    if (x1 == null) x1 = getCurrentBarIndex();

    var l = callFunction("/OHLC/getTodayOHLC1.efs", "main", "low");
    if (l != null) {
    vLow = Math.max(vLow, l);
    if (getCurrentBarIndex() == 0 && getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) x1 -= 1;
    drawLineRelative(x1+1, vLow, 0, vLow, PS_SOLID, 3,, "Low");

    return null;