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Bars - Type I & II Search

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  • Bars - Type I & II Search

    I am interested in knowing the number of "Bars" used for the various Type I & II searches (daily and weekly) -- an explanation on how the program uses the bars and the recommended settings for these searches -- I am referring to the highlevel "Bars" not the settings for the various search criteria

  • #2
    I don't have the AGET EOD running anymore. Let me take a guess....

    We would use a setting of "1" to scan one data bar back to pick up new changes the past day.

    We would use 300 bars for Elliott Wave count related searches because you need 300 data bars to generate a good wave count.

    Play with settings of 1 to 5. The other type of scan try 300 to 500. Results shouldn't be vastly different?


    • #3
      BAR setting in GET Search Parameters

      Here is the content of the Adv.GET Help file on the "BAR" setting.

      The Bars: number box indicates how many bars from the last bar in your file to search through to see if they have met the Search criterion. This number does not indicate how many bars the studies should use for their calculations. For example, if you are searching for something that is in a Wave 3, and you have your Bars: set to 1, GET will examine the last bar for each issue and any issues that are currently being labeled a Wave 3 will meet the search criterion. If you were to set the Bars: to 50, GET would examine the last 50 bars of data for each issue and any issue that has been in a Wave 3 Any Time in the last 50 bars would meet the search criterion

      I hope this helps.
      Gary Welte
      Advanced GET User


      • #4
        Thanks Marc and Gary - this helps -- my follow up question is: do you have a recommendation for the "bars"setting for daily and weekly searches?? -- thanks in advance


        • #5
          If we are talking about the same thing, just try a "1" setting.
          Last edited by MR; 01-24-2005, 06:09 AM.

