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Elliot extensions and alternation

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  • Elliot extensions and alternation

    I have noticed recently that an unusual number of charts I have been following in the banking sector appear to have completed a wave 5 and gone into the ABC correction but these positions seem to go on and on. One recent chart was upto a fouth ABC count.

    In addition when you finally think you have finished the correction and are lining up your entry postion, GET suddenly relabels many of the previous waves.

    I understand the market is dynamic and that the wave count is continuous and will constantly be re-evaluated by GET - However can anybody direct me to some reference on how to get a feel for when the count has become reasonable stable ?

  • #2
    Do a "search" of existing posted material and see what others have said on this or related topics in the past. Secondly go to the AGET user group and read things like cross-referencing and oscillators to see if you can discern anything from that previously published information. I think you will find something there that helps you.


    • #3
      Re: Reply to post 'Elliot extensions and alternation'

      Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

      I think it is important to realize the software always attempts to =
      a count even when there is no clear picture. 50% of the time the EW
      count is not very clear and untradeable, at least for those who want to
      trade for $$ vs. just analysis/prediction. Probably best to move to
      another market or use other AGET tools to find a trading opportunity.
      Fabrizo idea of using the "localize" EW is also an option in some cases
      ----- Original Message -----=20
      From: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> =

      To: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> =20
      Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:23 AM
      Subject: Reply to post 'Elliot extensions and alternation'

      Hello donv,


