Nse Historical options datas are not yet moved to new Symbols and it handicap the traders without suffcient datas to do analysis and take position in Market..
I have read the above thread posted by you and waited till date, understanding your difficulties about time consuming work.. But as a trader, I cannot wait indefinitely expecting your work to be completed and we will be missingout all good trades in market.
Before starting a new sysmbol, you should have prepared well in advance to move these datas and not at the fag end of the hour.. By the time, you move the datas Best of trade for this month settlement will be over.
Please do appreciate our problems, and act fast to restore datas.
Nse Historical options datas are not yet moved to new Symbols and it handicap the traders without suffcient datas to do analysis and take position in Market..
I have read the above thread posted by you and waited till date, understanding your difficulties about time consuming work.. But as a trader, I cannot wait indefinitely expecting your work to be completed and we will be missingout all good trades in market.
Before starting a new sysmbol, you should have prepared well in advance to move these datas and not at the fag end of the hour.. By the time, you move the datas Best of trade for this month settlement will be over.
Please do appreciate our problems, and act fast to restore datas.