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  • Lines

    One more suggestion guys...

    When I draw lines on the chart and then after a while I get a message saying "lines are greater than 30 days old" as I start esignal. I click OK, then REMOVE ALL, then CLOSE or OK.... but when I close and restart esignal again, I get the same message. It's like the lines don'e get cleared from the chart??

    I'm thinking it might be easier and more efficient to allow the user to select "automatically remove lines greater than n days old" in some preferences setting?? This way, the user can select to have these older lines automatically removed from their charts.

    Other than that - I don't know why the lines continue to appear after they have been removed?? I would think they are deleted from the stored files when I click remove all - but maybe this is a bug??

    Hope this helps and thanks again for your quick fixes and maintenance updates.
    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000