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Time templates, forex and weekends

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  • Time templates, forex and weekends

    I've just started using forex with eSignal.
    I see that I have some "dead" and low volume bars around Friday evening (after 22:00) and as the Sunday session starts (around 17:00, presumably that is EST, I am using "Exchange Timezone).

    I haven't upgraded recently, I don't suppose the time template stuff has been enhanced so that the weekdays can be left as 24hours, but the Friday close can be brought forward a little and the Sunday open deferred - I have in mind a 22:00 Friday close and a 22:00 Sunday open.

    Or maybe there is a symbol modifier (like the futures day session) to achive this.

  • #2
    I'm sorry but this feature is not yet available. We do have plans to enhance time template to allow for day by day time adjustments. But right now it's an idea on a long list of items to be worked on.


    • #3
      Given that FX opens longer than the futures, but is fairly dead (volume wise) outside of the futures hours, it would be useful to kill the extra hours. Most applicable for charting involving drawing that crosses from one week to another - but there's another topic (much needed drawing improvements) that I expect is on that "long list" of wishes.


      • #4
        Yes new and improved drawing tools are on the list of enhancements for the new eSignal.

