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Saving location of EFS Triggered Alert List

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  • Saving location of EFS Triggered Alert List

    I rearranged my Layout in 10.6, including moving my EFS Triggered Alert List window. Despite saving the new layout numerous times, this Alert List window keeps opening in a different location each time I open the layout. How do I anchor this window to the location I want? (does this require a winsig.ini change?)

  • #2
    This is a known issue in the 10.6 series of the eSignal program and it happens with a couple other windows within the software. Sometimes deleting the winsig.ini file and then reinstalling the program will make t he issue a bit better, but it doesn't work all of the time. This issue was not carried over to the eSignal 11 program.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply, Eric.
      I'm worried I would lose a lot more settings than I'd gain by deleting winsig.ini and reinstalling.

      Within winsig.ini, it seems the pertinent files are [AlertListDlg] and/or [AlertList]. I've tried inputting my own coordinates (no luck) and deleting those sections completely (again no luck) . But maybe I am not getting the sequence correct with these changes and opening and closing eSignal and the particular window. Could you tell me exactly how to modify these sections of winsig.ini to set the window location where I want?


      • #4
        Those are the settings that control where the window is going to appear. Are you running on a multi-monitor system? Sometimes I've seen this contribute to the issue. As I said, this is a known bug that seems to come up with the 10.6 version from time to time. You also might want to check to make sure that the program is saving the new location of the window after you've moved it and saved your page. You can do this by opening the alert window, moving it, saving your page and then going into the winsig.ini file and checking to see if the coordinates here are different.
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          Yes, a multi-monitor system. I use Layouts (not pages). When I move the window to where I want, and save the Layout, the change does not appear in winsig.ini. But if I then 'Exit All and Save', the change does save in winsig.ini. But then when I open eSignal again, the alert window appears in the old location, despite coordinates for the new location having saved in winsig.ini. So where are those old coordinates being read from when I open eSignal??? i.e. why are my changes to winsig.ini being ignored?

          This is just too bizarre. I just re-opened eSignal, the Efs Alert List window opened in the wrong location, yet when I opened winsig.ini, the coordinates I want are shown in [AlertListDlg]. Is the EFS Alert window getting its coordinates from somewhere else?

          Last edited by shaeffer; 09-12-2012, 03:55 PM.

