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Charts not loading

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  • Charts not loading

    Recently, I've started to experience some delay problems with the latest eSignal 11 builds.
    Basically, my workspace consists of 3 pages. The first main one uses 6 charts with various time frames, the second one is a bunch of hotlists, and the third page is 8 daily sector charts.
    I systematically upgrade whenever a new build comes out, but since upgrading to build 11.6.3099, I get the following occurrence:
    - Several times during a session, a specific chart (and sometimes several charts) on my main page just refuses to load, and I get the resolving symbol message. To get the chart to load, I need to close the other pages. I never had this problem prior to the latest upgrades. I was also aware of the memory leakage issues which affected the program recently, but my memory (8 GB) always appears fine when this problem happens, with the program usually running at 55 to 70% of physical memory available (although yesterday, from some reason I got an alert which told me that I only had 25% memory available - this hadn't happened in a while). In addition to charts sometimes not loading, I'm also getting a problem with candlesticks not forming correctly. This happens with the last candlestick on a 2-minute chart for example. To correct the problem, I key in the ticker a second time and the candlestick displays correctly. Any clues as to why these problems are occurring ?

  • #2
    Are you having the same issues on the latest version of the eSignal program? Version 11.6.3167 is the latest version that we have released on our website. Also some of the issues that you are experiencing can be carried over from version to version if you just do an upgrade. You may want to remove the previous version before installing this latest version. Please let us know if this helps, thank you.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Yes Eric, I'm using version 11.6.3167. What I meant was that the issues started with version 11.6.3099. When you mean removing the previous version, do you mean uninstalling the program altogether and then installing 11.6.3167 ?


      • #4
        yes, that is what I mean.
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          Unfortunately, un-installing the program and re-installing the latest build (Version 11.6.3167) has not corrected my problems. In five instances this morning, a chart took over a minute to load. The ticker loaded instantly on my daily and 15 min charts, but took over a minute to load on my 2-min timeframe. Furthermore, for some reason, memory usage has also increased dramatically. While I'm normally at around 50-65%, it dropped to 27-35% (I'm running 8Gb). This hadn't happened since before the memory issues were corrected with the latest builds, and absolutely nothing has changed on my computer. I've also uploaded hereunder a chart (Facebook in this case) which shows incomplete data - the before last candlestick is wrong. Any suggestions about how to correct this issues ?Click image for larger version

Name:	Chart20131002201653.png
Views:	1
Size:	38.5 KB
ID:	242902


          • #6
            There are a couple things I can suggest at this point, one of them would be a full removal and reinstall of the application. This is more than just uninstalling from control panel. Another, would be to recreate the page in the latest version of the application after this has been done. This seems to solves similar issues for a few of our clients that have reported them. Another thing we can look at is the connection between your system and our servers. All of this stuff can be looked into if you contact our tech support team.

            Thank you,
            Eric O.
            eSignal Support


            • #7
              Ok Eric. I did indeed remove the program from the control panel. What should I exactly do in addition to this for it to be full removal ? Can I save my page files so as not to lose every thing ?


              • #8
                I have a similar problem as noted by PHD above. However, my problem occurs when I have a page with multiple EFS's running at one time (in charts and watchlists) and then I have many watchlist symbols update with new EFS calculations. If I open the same page with just a few symbols there are no problems with my charts being incomplete or missing bars. Whenever I close down eSignal and start it up again the problem goes away until I try to update many symbols in my watchlist with new EFS calcs like I noted above. So it seems that whenever I have eSignal process a lot of information data at one time it messes up. Let me know if anyone has some insights on this. I'm going to try to upgrade to the latest version of eSignal. Not sure that will work.



                • #9
                  Are you running the latest version of the program? Also if you could email me your page and efs files that would be helpful as well. We can take a look and see what exactly is causing the issue. I will PM you. Thank you
                  Thank you,
                  Eric O.
                  eSignal Support

