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Maximize charts by keyboard shortcuts?

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  • Maximize charts by keyboard shortcuts?


    Is there a way to maximize charts by using keyboard shortcuts?

    Ideally I would like to find a way to maximize all open charts of a specific instrument with a shortcut.. i.e., say you have multiple euro charts open on multiple monitors (to see multiple time frames at once), I would like to find a way to maximize each euro chart with a shortcut. I recently realized how much time I spend each day maximizing and unmaximizing charts.

    Alternatively, I realize that I could do the same thing by using pages -- keep a main page which has unmaximized charts, and then create a separate page for each instrument (like euro, gbp, etc) with maximized charts. The problem with this is that I can't figure out how to get my drawings (only really interested in horizontal lines) to automatically sync across pages.

    Thanks for any help, insight, or advice that anyone can provide.

  • #2
    There isn't currently a way to maximize a specific cart by using the keyboard, but I do see the value in having something like this. I will put this forward as a feature request to see if it's something that we can add to the program. Thank you
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Thanks, yes I do believe that this would be of value for a wide variety of traders.

      In the meantime, is there any way to get drawings (specifically, horizontal lines) to sync across charts or pages?

      Thanks again


      • #4
        Do you mean sync as in be at the same price on all of your charts or do you mean have the same line settings (thickness, color,...etc)?
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5

          For example, let's say I have a "page 1" and a "page 2", each with a EUR/USD 15M chart. I am wondering if there is a way for a horizontal line placed on the EUR/USD 15M chart on page 1 to "sync", or automatically show up without loading a style template, on the chart on page 2.

          I realize that pages are probably meant to be completely independent of each other so this might not be possible. I was just trying to think of a temporary workaround to the issue of maximizing charts.. if I could sync charts across pages then I could just create a separate page for each set of charts that I wanted maximized, etc.


          • #6

            I'm going to post the temporary workaround that I have been using for this in case anyone in the community can benefit. It does work great, but I'm sure the eSignal feature will be more refined, etc.

            I am using a program called AutoHotKey which is freely available (found it on google). Once you've installed it, here's a script that will maximize 5 monitors of charts for 6 of the majors simply by using the F-keys (i.e. when I hit F1 all my euro charts are maximized, when I hit it again they are restored to their normal size of 1/6th of each monitor). The 5 time frames that I'm using are 15M, 1H, 4H, D, W so you'll need to change that if yours are different. Also, I'm using composite symbols such as ~EURUSD for my instruments-- if you haven't setup composite symbols then you'll need to change those as well (for example, ~EURUSD to EUR A0-FX@GAIN or whatever your chart is set to).

            EDIT: After posting I noticed that the formatting did not save. Hopefully got it this time..

            Alright, here's the script (I saved it to MaxMin.ahk but you can name it whatever you want):

            #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
            ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
            SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
            SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
            	TFs = 60,15,240,D,W
            	StringSplit, LoopTFs, TFs, `,
            	SetTitleMatchMode, 2
            	CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
            	Loop, %LoopTFs0%
            		CurTF := LoopTFs%A_Index%
            		CurChart := CurPair . ", " . CurTF
            		if (WinExist(CurChart))
            			WinGet MX, MinMax, A
            			If MX
            				WinRestore A
            			Else WinMaximize 	
            	return 1
            Last edited by ippon; 05-01-2014, 12:08 PM.


            • #7
              You are correct in saying that pages are meant to be independent of each other so currently there isn't a way to have a line auto draw like that. It's something that we've explored adding to the program, but have not been able to implement just yet. We will look into this further. Thank you for the post.
              Thank you,
              Eric O.
              eSignal Support

