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DDE - Excel - comma as decimal symbol

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  • DDE - Excel - comma as decimal symbol

    Hello all and thanks in advance for any help/tips you could give me!

    I am using the SigTools DDE application to fill up an Excel spreadsheet with eSignal Data.

    Most of my users are German and are using a number format with a comma as decimal symbol, different from the point used in the standard american/uk number format.

    If I specify the comma as decimal symbol in the regional settings (default in german/french/belgian standard settings), I am getting weird figures (with lot of 0).

    Is there a way to convert the american number format used for the esignal data I receive to "comma decimal separator" used for german, french, belgian, etc. users in order to have it correctly displayed into Excel? What I wish is to have the "comma" as decimal separator for eSignal Data I receive in Excel.

    I have tried to look for an answer of esignal forums, on the internet but as far, I didn't find any answer. Any suggestion would be warmly welcome!

