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Time Zones

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  • Time Zones

    This question has been raised before but I'm hoping a solution has since materialised.

    I trade futures markets in Asia, Europe and then the US, in that order. eSignals single time zone capability drives me absolutely potty. How does everybody handles this issue?

    If the sessions didn't overlap you could change your system clock three times a day (which completely screws up others apps on that box). But unfortunately Europe overlaps with Asia and the US with Europe. So that's not a solution.

    I could run three boxes with three instances of eSignal but I don't have the workspace.

    My problem is further exacerbated by the fact that I use stuff that it is session dependent like pivots, market profile and volume profiles.

    I'm sure I'm no orphan with this issue, how the hell do you get around the problem?


  • #2
    I opened 2 Advanced charts, and used eSignals default time template Equity RTH - East for #1 & West for #2. Set each to 4 min bars. Then added builtin moving avg to each chart. All seemed to look correct to me. That should handle pivot calculations, I don't use market profile and volume profiles.

    3 charts are needed , each with the correct time template. I use Layout mode , so I just open charts whenever needed. Not sure how/if Page mode would work in your situation.

    I would probably use UTC (Universal Time, Coordinated) and turn off automatic daylight savings time update on my computer and make extra templates for daylight savings time where needed.
    hope this helps


    • #3
      Thanks for your input Dave.

      I'll have a closer look at time templates today.


      • #4
        Time templates do not solve the problem unfortunately. It is a little more difficult than East coast West coast.

        Here is an example chart of the Nikkei 225 contract in the SGX. My pc clock is set to Wall Street time (EST).

        I must be overlooking something obviously surely!!! A product that is widely used and markets itself internationally couldn't stumble on such a mundane issue. Tell em it ain't so.



        • #5
          The top of your chart shows: Dynamic, 0:00-24:00
          mine , when I pick East Coast: Dynamic,9:30-16:00

          on a 5 min chart with East Coast template, last bar of day is 15:55, next bar is 09:30 (9:30 is the dashed verticle dividing line)
          you should see a price gap at that line(most of the time)

          Looks like you need to create your own time template specifing the start 18:45 and the end time . Must use Type:Intraday Default . # Days on mine are set either 0 or 10

          The cursor windows tells which bar you are on. The x axis time is good most of time but not when it is highly compressed as in your chart (lack of trades each & every 5 min).


          • #6

            Your certainly correct about issues arising for those that trade a variety of markets across different time zones. We are aware of these problems, and there isn't one clear-cut work-around that doesn't have any drawbacks.

            Luckily, we already have an alpha of the first edition of the eSignal 8 Series that is being tested internally that offers the following choices to the end user.[list=1][*]Use local time. (Same as it is now)[*]Use "Exchange Time". This will put all data in the same time zone as it's listed exchange (i.e. IBM = Eastern Time, ES #F = Central Time)[*]Use GMT for everything.[/list=1]
            It is still too early in the development cycle to say when the first installment of the eSignal 8 Series will arrive, but it should be around the middle of this year.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7

              Oh dear - that is bitter/sweet news. Option 2 is a no-brainer. Guess I'll have to up my medication until version 8.


