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eSignal 10.0 (build 1086) Maintenance release is now available for download!

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  • eSignal 10.0 (build 1086) Maintenance release is now available for download!

    eSignal 7.6 (release 2) is now available to download ( this notice is a few weeks late but still applicable for users who may not be aware.)

    Here are the main contents of the readme file associated with this version:

    eSignal Build 635
    Data Manager: Build 272

    This 7.6 release has very few features and fixes and is more of a launching pad for additional exchanges and our new OptionsPlus add-on options analytics application. To use the OptionsPlus window, you'll need to sign up for the service through Account Maintenance and download the OptionsPlus installer located on the eSignal Downloads page.

    OptionsPlus - This is integrated as a new window type. This will only be viewable if you have the service added to your account.

    Spreads - You can now enter a spread into a Detail, Quote, QuoteBoard, or Summary window. This will only give you data on Last Price and Net Change. - There's a new free formula called TrendVue-ClassicSwing-EOD which is located in a new Formulas folder called This free study is only designed for Daily, Weekly, and Monthly intervals, but they are also working on a Real-time version of the study for a future release.

    Day Trading Action - There are new add-on Day Trading Action studies from 21st Century called FuturesLive and FuturesLiveHigh5 which are in a new Add-On Studies folder called Day Trading Action.

    Additional Exchanges (Here are links to pricing and symbol look-up):
    Kuala Lumpur
    Tokyo (includes Nagoya)

    Partial list of Bug Fixes:
    Corrected error in calculation for the Choppiness study.
    Standard charts can now be linked to from an option chain.
    Time Alerts re-arm function now saves properly.
    Spreads of like types such as Treasury Futures will display the result in the same format as the underlying symbols.
    T&S grid now works properly and can be added or removed completely.
    There are additional internal fixes which improve performance, but are not visible within any feature of the application.

    For additional information or tips on how to use these new features, please review our updated 7.6 FAQ's.


  • #2
    eSignal 7.6 (release 3) is now available to download

    eSignal Build 636a ( web posting date of 3/31/04 )

    Release 3 is a maintenance release to address at least one issue found in release 2. Please upgrade at your earliest convenience.


    P.S. Subscribe to this thread to get email notification when each new release is posted to our Download site.


    • #3
      eSignal 7.7 was officially released today. Please visit our Download site to get your free upgrade.

      eSignal Build 679 (Web posting as of 9/27/04)

      For a list of new enhancements and user documentation on the new features of 7.7, please review [color=orange-red]KB Article 1595[/color].

      Reminder: Subscribe to this thread (click below) to get email notification when each new release is posted to our Download site. This thread will remain under the condition of "closed" so if you subscribe to this thread, you'll only get official notices.


      • #4
        eSignal 7.8 is now officially released. Please visit our Download site to get your free upgrade.

        eSignal Build 688 (Web posting as of 12/6/04)

        Reminder: Subscribe to this thread (click below) to get email notification when each new release is posted to our Download site. This thread will remain under the condition of "closed" so if you subscribe to this thread, you'll only get official notices.

        New Content:

        U.S. Data:
        NYSE Corporate Bonds available as part of the NYSE
        AMEX Corporate Bonds available as part of the AMEX
        Although the bonds are included in the Exchange fee rate, users will need to add these services via Account Maintenance.

        European Data:
        London Stock Exchange - UK Domestic Level II
        Support for LSE Professional Member pricing
        Euronext - Equities Level II
        OFEX - a market for the very newest and inexperienced U.K.
        companies that includes a couple of hundred under-researched
        and fast-growing companies
        Bern Stock Exchange - available through the Swiss Stock Exchange

        Asia Data:
        Osaka Stock Exchange - equities and indices only.

        CNF (Consolidated News Feed) - formerly RNS or Regulatory News Service, provides all regulatory company announcements from U.K. companies
        Dow Jones Financial Wire - the international equivalent of Dow Jones News Wire which specializes in news on European, Middle Eastern and African companies and the economy
        Symbol linking on international symbols from news sources including
        AFX, CNF and Dow Jones Financial News
        News Manager enhancement - displays 24 hours of headlines when a new query is made but no timeframe is specified

        Add-on Studies:
        Fari Hamzei- $40/mo
        Power Tools from Teresa Lo - $50/mo with 50% off for the first month
        Hawkeye Studies - 2 additional indicators (Hawkeye Relative Strength and Hawkeye Adds) at no additional cost
        Jan Arps' Crown Jewels - Universal Swing Tool indicator now available for free
        eMESA - enhancement to code to make the system more effective for trading the eMinis

        Visit Account Maintenance to add any of these new services.

        New Features:

        Market Profile Enhancement - better display of currency futures

        Price Formatting - There's a new setting under File, Preferences for Compact Price Display. This is on by default and allows you to view all Future's prices as always with no decimal. When unchecked, you will get pricing with decimals for most Futures and get pricing for Treasuries and Grains in 32nds and 8ths with a separation between the whole number and the fraction of an apostrophe such as 109'14

        Line Tool Enhancement - new price ruler tool displays the difference between the end points

        Enhanced Symbol Linking - We've increased the number of symbol linking groups from 6 to 12 for users who use multiple monitors and needed more groupings.

        Save Defaults for all windows has been improved to allow you to save a popped out window as a default. This will save the window in any position including minimized if so desired. This is very useful for users of the new News Manager who wish to keep it on a different monitor by default.

        Symbol Search Enhancement - Based on user feedback, a search done without wildcards (*) will look for the string anywhere in the appropriate field. To get a result based on the beginning of a name only, you will need to place a wildcard at the end of the string. If you want a result based on the end of a name only, you will need to place a wildcard at the beginning of the search string.

        Dividends now display up to 4 places after the decimal to cover all symbol types that report dividends.

        Bug Fixes:

        (We're including the eSignal Development List (EDL) numbers with each bug fix listed in this and all future documents of this type. Please keep in mind that the list holds both feature suggestions as well as bug reports and is also used for all of all our eSignal products. This is why there are many jumps in the numbering in the list below.)

        EDL34 - Fixed a calculation error and added the ability to use either standard deviation or standard error in the calculation of the channels for a Linear Regression study on the advanced charts.

        EDL35 - The Linear Regression study was also using the wrong set of bars for it's calculation. It was off by 1 bar and is now corrected.

        EDL85 - Delete all Lines was also deleting any text notes on a chart and they are now properly separated.

        EDL86 - The Portfolio Log was limited to 2 digits after the decimal which was limiting for the some instrument types. This limit has been removed.

        EDL107 - Fuchsia was spelled incorrectly in the formula script and with the formula wizard which caused an error int he code. This has been corrected.

        EDL119 - The advanced chart snapshot window can now be selected from the main Tools menu when an advanced chart is active. It was previously only selectable from the right click menu.

        EDL128 - There was an incorrect error message being displayed when you typed in an invalid interval. This was causing confusion when the error came up.

        EDL159 - When you chose to create a New Page, you did not get the chance to properly save the active page. Now fixed.

        EDL174 - The Low Alert for Last Price wouldn't accept a negative number. This has been corrected.

        EDL198 - The alert menu on the right click of a Quote Board was grayed out and is now functioning.

        EDL409 - Fixed a spelling error for the word Dividend in the quote and detail windows.

        EDL412 - Objects in formula script were drifting on tick charts and should now hold.

        EDL425 - Horizontal trendline defaults weren't saving and can now be saved properly.

        EDL427 - The title of the Color dialog for many windows was messed up and is now fine.

        EDL435 - Needed to add an Option Chain choice from the right click in a portfolio.

        EDL537 - The scroll bar in the Edit Studies settings dialog for a formula script was not functioning if the list of parameters was too long. This scroll bar will now take you up and down the list of parameters properly every time.

        EDL551 - A default News Ticker was being improperly labelled as a Market Maker ticker on a page which created problems for some page actions.

        EDL561 - There was an additional Horizontal scroll bar on the Symbol Search window which was taking up too much space. This has now been removed.

        EDL572 - There was no label for the Properties dialogs in an Option chain and a T&S window. The labels are now present.

        EDL588 - The setBarBgColor() EFS function was covering up drawn lines and gridlines even when you set the drawn lines to always be on top.

        EDL1172 - Auto Sorting for Quote and Summary windows would not shut off when selecting the setting to turn it off. You can now stop the sorting properly.

        EDL2159 - The new Leaders window would crash if resizing a column too small and then switching categories. Now the column will be readjusted back to a default size when switching categories.

        EDL2965 - Fixed a calculation error for some cases of the Point Break (3 Line Break) chart type in the advanced charts.

        EDL6654 - The Depth window had a limit to the number of charactors that could be entered into the symbol field. This was a problem for some of the new depth exchanges and the limit has been removed.

        EDL8093 - Exchange filters in T&S using the AND and OR filter were dropping some quotes when the price wasn't changing even though there was a new quote. These filters now allow all quotes through that match the filter.


        • #5
          eSignal 7.9 is now officially released. Please visit our Download site to get your free upgrade.

          eSignal Build 719 (Web posting as of 4/21/05)

          Reminder: Subscribe to this thread (click below) to get email notification when each new release is posted to our Download site. This thread will remain under the condition of "closed" so if you subscribe to this thread, you'll only get official notices.

          New Content:

          Futures Enhancements:
          • Continuous Contracts - Available for U.S. and international contracts using an intuitive symbol format that makes it easy to follow the front and forward months without changing symbols with each contract expiration. Plus, users can define the contract roll time.
          • Spreads - Create your own symbol that combines multiple symbols using the plus, minus, multiply or divide operators in complex forms, such as (A + B) / (C - D). Spread symbols can be entered into the quote and chart window for analysis.
          • Market Profile enhancements - Now includes TPO summary. Also, the ability to merge distributions and separate individual merges
          • Point and Figure enhancements - Can be based on a High/Low combination or 1 field
          • Fully customizable Quoteboard - Customize the fields and the field placement

          EFS Enhancements (EFS2):
          • Greater ease of development
          • Less coding (amount of coding is reduced by as much as 80%)
          • Multiple Time Frame support: Built-in and custom studies may now be based on external intervals to easily create multiple-time frame studies. Prior to 7.9, this type of study required some complex coding on the users' end because there were no automated facilities to synchronize the data between intervals. This synchronization routine is now handled by the new EFS2 engine.
          • External Symbol support: In addition to external intervals, Built-in and custom studies can now be based on external symbols. The time stamp synchronization routine between the two symbols is also handled by the new EFS2 engine.
          • Built-in Studies enhanced: The EFS2 Built-in Study functions have been simplified to require fewer parameters and quicker access to each of their return values.
          • Study-on-Study formulas simplified: The process for creating study-on-study formulas using the Built-in Studies has also been simplified to require less code. The Built-in Study functions now accept custom studies as the price source as well. The custom studies may be coded internally to the formula or they can be separate complete formulas.
          • Drawing Functions enhanced: New simplified drawing functions have been added, which have a new Location parameter that allows the EFS2 engine to automatically position the graphics in the user selected location.
          • Function Libraries: This is a new feature introduced with EFS2 that allows developers and users to create libraries of custom functions. These functions can be accessed by any formula with a single line of code similar to how any of the current EFS functions can be used.
          • EFS2 ToolBox: This is a new tool in 7.9, accessible from the tool bar in the EFS Editor. The ToolBox lists all available EFS functions with descriptions for each parameter. This tool assists the user with the proper setup and selections for each of the functions' parameters, which can then be inserted directly into your formula code. Function Libraries may also be setup to appear in the ToolBox as well.

          Add-on Studies:
          • Floor Traders Tools™, developed by Roy Kelly are dynamic and powerful tools that can be used with any price chart, whether daily or intra-day, working with any market and any time frame. This package shows the timing methodology of the market for entering the trade at the best possible price and identify cycle tops and bottoms.
          • The eMini-Master™ POLR© Series developed by Jim Harrison is a unique and powerful set of tools with a visual approach to finding the “POLR©”, or “Path of Least Resistance©.” Most of these tools are universal in their application and traders can use them on their favorite symbols including the eMini Futures contracts, Forex Currency Pairs, Bonds, Commodities and individual equities.
          • Plus, new studies have been added to the Hamzei Analytics (CI Diff and DV Indicator) and EZ2Trade (EZ2 Pivots and EZ2 Trailing Stops)

          Other Enhancements:
          • News Manager enhancements - Multiple keyword and symbol searches
          • Time & Sales sorting
          • 52 week High/Low on U.S. Indices
          • Enhanced Symbol Lookup - Pink Sheet names / CUSIP, Index description expansion, Canadian symbology, increased automation
          For a video reviewing all of these major features, please see Overview of 7.9 Features
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            eSignal 7.9.1 is now officially released. Please visit our Download site to get your free upgrade.

            eSignal Build 732 (Web posting as of 7/11/05)

            Reminder: Subscribe to this thread (click below) to get email notification when each new release is posted to our Download site. This thread will remain under the condition of "closed" so if you subscribe to this thread, you'll only get official notices.

            The 7.9.1 release does not work properly on the NT 4.0 operating
            system. If your running on NT, we suggest that you upgrade to
            a newer operating system before installing this release.

            New Content:
            - When creating spread symbols under Spread Symbol Settings, you can now indicate the number of places after the decimal for the results to be displayed in. Using "Default" will take it out to as many places as there are digits.

            - Spreads are now based on 1 minute data. This is a big improvement as it will make the bars' high and low much more accurate.

            - You can copy/paste the visible area of a T&S window into another documents such as an email. This is different than the export function which grabs all the data from the window and allows you to choose what fields to export.

            - Opening and Closing crosses are now viewable in a Depth Window on the Total View tab. This data only displays for the 10 minute period before market open and close.

            - Placing a # in front of a symbol in a detail window such as #MSFT will give you prior day's data for that symbol.

            - There is now an option to add a mini cursor window to the cursor for an advanced chart. You can add it from the chart properties dialog.

            - eSignal's Username and Password should now only be changed in eSignal under File, Preferences, and not in the Data Manager. When you change it under File, Preferences, the change will also be immediately done in the Data Manager. It doesn't work in reverse because we have to account for other applications using the Data Manager.

            - News Manager will now ignore an = when using linked regional symbols such as IBM=N.

            -The tabs under File, Preferences have been changed. The Compact Price setting has more text to make it clearer how to use it. There is also now a tab for Premarket Display, which gives 3 ways to blank out the data before the market opens. The choices on the tabs explain each of the settings. Time & Sales data can now be cached on a global basis to allow Time & Sales windows to instantly display previously viewed symbols.

            - There's also a new version of the Strategy Analyzer for the eSignal Back Tester, which has better graphs and more functionality.

            Thank you.


            • #7
              eSignal 8.0 now available to download!

              eSignal 8.0 is now officially released! Please visit our Download site to get your free upgrade.

              eSignal Build 779 (Web posting as of 5/16/06)

              Reminder: Subscribe to this thread (click below) to get email notification when each new release is posted to our Download site. This thread will remain under the condition of "closed" so if you subscribe to this thread, you'll only get official notices.

              8.xx Series - Release Overview
              Here at eSignal, we have long taken great pride in our fast and innovative product development cycles. We typically release 3 to 4 new versions of eSignal each year and regularly introduce new product offerings (like QuoTrek, MarketCenter and Advanced GET – Dashboard edition). During 2005, while we still managed to release several new versions (7.8, 7.9 and 7.91), we focused much of our engineering resources on finishing our integration of FutureSource, embracing the demand for global content and significantly upgrading our base ticker plant processing capabilities.

              The integration of FutureSource should be completed by Q2 of 2006 and we are extremely pleased with the results of our best-of-breed product and network integration strategies. Between FutureSource's unparalleled data quality and eSignal’s robust and redundant server technology, we are truly combining the best of both worlds. We will also begin work on integrating the products acquired in the deal announced in March 2006 and will look to incorporate the strengths of QCharts into our suite of services.

              Here are a few specific enhancements in the 8.0 release:

              Electronic Volume – This is a new field for displaying the real-time volume of electronically traded future’s contracts such as the eminis (ES M6). This new volume field is titled Volume (Electronic) and you’ll need to add this new field to your quote or detail window to view this data. The existing Volume field will continue to display yesterday’s official volume for Futures.

              Settlement Price – This is also a new field for futures where we will display the official settlement price of the most recent trading session for each futures contract. By adding this new field, users can quickly view the official settlement price while using the Last Price field to see new activity.

              Settlement Date – Related to the new Settlement Price described above, this new field will display the date associated with the new Settlement Price field. This is to avoid confusion when the settlement price is for a prior day (versus prior session).

              Improved Spread Formatting – We’ve enhanced our handy spread engine tool by setting the default format of the first symbol used, if no specific formatting is entered. This will make sure that symbols of like formats, such as grains or Treasuries, will give results in the same format.

              New Composite Symbols for US Futures – For issues that had separate electronic and pit trading symbols, we’ve now created new composite symbols for each ( 5 and 10 Yr T Notes, Corn, Oats, Wheat, DJI Futs, TBonds, Euro Futs (CME), NIKKEI 225 Futs, just to name a few).

              New Aggregate Contract Volume Symbols on US Futures - We’ve created new symbols to track the total volume traded across all contracts for each future. You’ll no longer need to add the volume for each individual delivery month but instead use this symbol to see the Total Aggregate Volume (format is XX #V ex, ES #V). Support for most European and Asia/Pac markets to be released in July 06.

              New Aggregate Open Interest Symbols on US Futures - We’ve also created new symbols to track the total OI across all contracts for each future. You’ll no longer need to add the Open Interest for each individual delivery month but instead use this symbol to see the Total Aggregate Open Interest (format is XX #OI ex, ES #OI). Support for most European and Asia/Pac markets to be released in July 06.

              Support for Single Forex Contributors – Along with the robust content provided within our GTIS Forex feed, users will also be able to separate out a single contributor (Gain, FXCM, etc) and compare that data against the market composite data from GTIS.

              CME Globex service level now available– This is the third level of service that CME offers for their data. Our users can now choose the full CME service, CME Globex or CME emini. To change the level of service on your account, simply log onto Account Maintenance and select Add/Cancel Product Services. For a complete of symbols associated with these three levels, please review this KB Article on CME Symbols.

              GovPX now available as an add-on service – At just $25/mo, users can now add the key OTR (on the run) Treasuries to their account (3 and 6 mo T-Bills, 2, 5 , 10 and 30 yr T-Notes ).

              Data Integrity and Content Enhancements

              Automated US Corporate Actions Processing – We’ve implemented a new methodology to update and process Corporate Action changes up to 3 times per day. This will insure that all symbol changes are accurately reflected in our database and in our Symbol Search. For example, if a company has announced bankruptcy procedures and their ticker symbol changes as a result, we will immediately catch the symbol changes in our database so users can look-up the company in our Search Engine and find the new symbol. In terms of IPO’s, we will now populate the company name into the symbol record prior to day 1 of trading. Again, making it now possible for users to locate the ticker symbols for new IPO’s a day or two before trading starts.

              Enhanced Automation of OCC file – OCC stands for Options Clearing Corporation. They are the leading source for all US Equity and Index Option information. By better supporting this file, we improve the accuracy of our Option Chains and users can now reliably see non-standard lots identified by the Type Field in a detail or quote window.

              Improved Speed and Processing for Major News Sources – Project now completed to update internal Network configuration for distribution of all Dow Jones and AFX news services. Will see faster throughput during peak times and improved timing of all real-time stories.

              Expanded Basic News Package includes RTT and Comtex – Now get 4 valuable and respected sources in our Basic News package for just $10/mo. The package now includes Real Time Traders (RTT) News, Comtex Public Companies, BusinessWire and PR Newswire.

              Plus, check out all the other new content we’ve added since our last release:

              • Caracas Stock Exchange (Venezuela)
              • Santiago Stock Exchange (Chile)
              • Hong Kong Futures Exchange – Options
              • Jakarta Stock Exchange (Indonesia)
              • JASDAQ (Japan)
              • Osaka Securities Exchange - Nikkei Futures (Japan)
              • Philippines Stock Exchange
              • Taiwan Stock Exchange
              • Taiwan OTC Stock Exchange
              • Tokyo Stock Exchange - Futures (Japan)
              • Euronext Commodities
              • Euronext Equity and Index Derivatives
              • Euronext Interest Rate Futures
              • Hannover Commodities Exchange (Germany)
              • Italian Derivatives Exchange – Options
              • London Metal Exchange Plastics
              • Vienna Futures and Options Exchange (Austria)
              • Russia Stock Exchange (RTS)
              • Russia SE Order Driven Market (RTO)
              • Russia SE Futures (FORTS)
              • Bombay Stock Exchange
              • Spanish Futures MEFF Renta Variable
              • Spanish Futures MEFF Renta Fija
              • HotSpot FX Institutional & Retail
              • Dow Jones Commodities Service
              • Dow Jones MetalsWire
              • Dow Jones AgriWire
              • Dow Jones Mini Financial (miniFin)

              Enhancements planned for 8.1 (Fall 06-updated) and 8.2 (Winter 06-updated)

              In addition to the above enhancements in 8.0, we are already well into development on version 8.1 and will introduce a number of major additions to our service this summer.

              CID Support – The T&S window now includes Corrections, Insertions, and Deletions, and will display the description in a new Condition column. These will be color coded based on a user defined color. Deletions will also have a strike out line through the data to further indicate that transaction has been deleted.

              Automated intraday chart corrections – With the introduction of CID's described above, our intraday data will now be automatically adjusted when trades get cancelled or deleted.

              Sequence Numbers – The T&S window now has an additional Seq ID column which will display the exchange assigned sequence number for each update. This new field will greatly enhance our ability to track and compare data against different systems.

              Trade Conditions – All exchange reported trade conditions will now be listed in the new Condition column. There will be a short description shown in the column as well as a longer description, which will be seen when the user hovers their mouse over the short description.

              Exchange Timestamp – The T&S window will now display the time sent from each exchange for each quote/trade instead of our Ticker Plant's system time that we’ve been using to stamp each update. In cases where no timestamp is available from an exchange, we’ll continue to use the system time.

              Regional data for Nasdaq issues – The Depth window now has a Regional tab which can be used for Nasdaq symbols in addition to the listed symbols that eSignal had already been able to display regional data for.

              OpenView – Nasdaq has a new service to display Market Maker data for listed stocks. This can be viewed on the Level2 tab in a depth window. It does require a separate subscription.

              Copy/Paste and Export – We’ve included the two new columns for trade conditions and CID’s in the Export and Copy/Paste function making eSignal a better reference tool than ever.

              Time Zone Settings – A long standing customer request, with 8.1, you can now globally adjust the time zone that eSignal uses to display the data. With 8.1, the user has three choices. 1) Display local time zone of the computer (the only previous method), 2) In the exchange’s time zone, or 3) all converted to GMT. To adjust, click under File, then Preferences, and you’ll see a new Date/Time Settings tab.

              Support for VWAP – VWAP stands for Volume Weighted Average Price and has been requested by many users. Here's more info on VWAP.

              Put/Call Ratios – Another popular request; we will supply data for all the key put/call ratios.

              The 8.xx series represents over 20,000 hours of engineering development and impacts every layer of our network and multiple components of our software. We are extremely confident that we have invested our resources in further strengthening our Network and software platform and will continue to reinforce our position as the leading provider of real-time data to the Professional and Active trader communities.


              • #8
                eSignal 10.0 is now officially released! Please visit our Download site to get your free upgrade.

                eSignal Build 858 (Web posting as of 8/27/07)

                Reminder: Subscribe to this thread (click below) to get email notification when each new release is posted to our Download site. This thread will remain under the condition of "closed" so if you subscribe to this thread, you'll only get official notices.

                eSignal and Advanced GET - The Best of Both Worlds
                We’re proud to announce that eSignal version 10.0 is now available. In this release, we've integrated the key components of Advanced GET (Dashboard, Studies, Drawing Tools and Scanner) into an upgraded version of the eSignal application (8.1) and bumped up the version number to 10.0 to reflect this code consolidation. Please review our System Requirements prior to upgrading.

                Here are a few highlights of the new release:

                • Canadian Market Depth
                • In, Near, and Out of the Money Customization for the Option Chain Window
                • Regional Data for NASDAQ and Level II for Listed Symbols (Single Book)
                • Single-Sided Settings for Optimized Option Buy / Sell Viewing
                • Stretch Chart for Better Market Pattern Recognition
                • Time Zone Settings Preferences
                • Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
                • Zero Bar (White Space) to Manage Gaps

                For additional details and complete documentation on the new 10.0 features, please review KB Article 3531.

                Please note: All of the Advanced GET features are bundled together and available as an add-on (please contact Sales or Service for pricing details) to your current eSignal subscription or as a new subscription. To learn more about our Advanced GET seminars please visit our eSignal Learning site. There you’ll find a schedule of both our Live and Online seminars which are tailored to fit the needs of traders at all experience levels.
                Ray P.
                eSignal Support


                • #9
                  eSignal 10.0 (build 1086)

                  The 10.0 (build 1086) Maintenance release is now available for download, which can be found at our Download site.

                  This update corrects several problems that were present in the previous 10.0 version. The following is a complete list of improvements, which also can be found in the Readme.txt file in your \eSignal\ folder for future reference after completing the installation.

                  eSignal Desktop Bug Fixes:
                  • Bar Times with 8.1 Date/Time Settings are now corrected.
                  • Bar Dates are now correct when Date/Time Settings are set to
                    Exchange or GMT time.
                  • For futures that trade across midnight, the new Daily bar is
                    now correctly formed.
                  • The date in the cursor window between two different charts is
                    now properly aligned based on the
                    location of the cursor.
                  • The quote window color option "With Net Change +/- colors is
                    now working properly.
                  • The order of the Time and Sales short view columns has been
                  • Double volume on current daily bar has been corrected.
                  • Removing the Server Status box from the Cursor Window no longer
                    removes the Symbol box.
                  • The auto time template now loads the correct bars based on the
                    chart time settings.
                  • The times displayed in the Time column of the Bar Editor has
                    been corrected.
                  • The execution of EFS while in bar replay mode has been corrected.
                  • Merged studies are now in the correct order after merging, where
                    the study that was moved appears on top.
                  • The interval field while editing time template settings is now
                    properly disabled when assigning settings for "Intraday Default."

                  Advanced GET Bug Fixes:
                  • Color parameters for Up, Down, Inside, Outside bars for the
                    TruHighLow study have been corrected.
                  • Data Source Parameter options have been corrected for the
                    following studies; Keltner Channel, Woodies CCI and StoRSI.
                  • The default calculation for the Keltern Bands study is now
                    correctly using the Range.
                  • The No Trend Histogram of Woodies CCI study is now being plotted
                  • The StoRSI study is no longer returning 0 while priming and max
                    value has been corrected to 100.
                  • The Get Elliot Trigger study is no longer returning 0 while priming.
                  • The Advanced Get studies menu is now in alphabetical order.

                  EFS Bug Fixes:
                  • The bug that caused drawn objects to disappear from the chart when
                    a chart was dragged to the left
                    is no longer occurring. This was related to the inclusion of the
                    .RELATIVETOLEFT flag in the drawing functions.
                  • The bug that caused drawn objects to flash on and off during real
                    time processing is no longer occurring.
                  • Time functions in EFS (hour(), getHour(), minute(), getMinute(),
                    second(), getSecond() ) are now properly returning the correct time
                    in conjunction with the Date/Time settings set to Exchange or GMT.
                  • Volume_Up.efs (Hamzei Analytics add-on study) is now correctly
                    returning the proper volume figures.

                  EFS New Items:
                  • A new study was added to the \Library\ folder to outline the formula
                    calculation for the Money Flow Index study
                    (see \Formulas\Library\MoneyFlowIndex.efs).
                  Jason K.
                  Project Manager
                  eSignal - an Interactive Data company

                  EFS KnowledgeBase
                  JavaScript for EFS Video Series
                  EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
                  EFS Glossary
                  Custom EFS Development Policy

                  New User Orientation

