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Esignal Syntax

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  • Esignal Syntax


    Hopeing someone can help.

    I am trying to convert an excel application that is configured to run on IQFeed.

    I need to replace the following ....

    IQLink|'@ESM6'!'T Time'

    with the equivalent Esignal syntax.

    Also I would like to have the Esignal syntax for a symbols Cumulative Volume.

    Appreciate any help



  • #2
    I noticed this has been moved, I posted in the wrong forum, appologies.

    I have since found this..although I missed it after much searching before...


    It's from a DDE efs but I think all I need is the 'CumVol' part.
    Would this seem right ?

    =WINROS|'ES #F'!CumVol

    to replace the IQFeed equivalent of

    I can't find anything regards 'T Time',
    The IQFeed syntax that I am trying to replace is:

    =IQLink|'@ESM6'!'T Time'

    If anyone could help on that I'd really appreciate it.


    Last edited by swan; 03-03-2007, 05:34 PM.


    • #3
      Hello swan,

      For cumulative volume, try the following.


      I'm not sure about "T Time." Please describe what gets returned in IQFeed.

      For more information on our DDE feature and available fields, please review the following articles from our eSignal KnowledgeBase.

      DDE Linking - Excel Sample
      Quote Window Field Headers
      Jason K.
      Project Manager
      eSignal - an Interactive Data company

      EFS KnowledgeBase
      JavaScript for EFS Video Series
      EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
      EFS Glossary
      Custom EFS Development Policy

      New User Orientation


      • #4
        Hello Jason.

        Thank you for your reply.

        I'm not very literate with coding etc..

        I believe 'T Time' is refering to the symbols (ie: ES) tick timestamp.

        This is quoted from the source of the DDE document..

        "It streams the timestamp of the incoming datafeed, so that the DDE syntax will retrieve the time associated with each tick according to your datafeed service."

        I hope this makes some sense..

        Many thanks



        • #5
          I believe that the eSignal DDE qualifier you are looking for is TimeUpdate (see the enclosed screenshot for the syntax)


          • #6

            Thx very much for reply..

            Have been trying with both your and Jasons recommendation.

            Whilst esignal is first running and then opening the excel doc...I enable Macros, then click OK when asked to enable Winsig.exe

            I then get an error message saying "winsig.exe is missing or not installed".

            THen I am getting an error message..
            "run time error 13"

            I'll keep trying but I'm not literate with these things (so excuse I know).

            Perhaps you could comment on what "run time error13" is if you have any reference..?

            Many thx



            • #7
              To clarify are you saying that eSignal is running prior to starting the Excel Sample sheet?
              What version of eSignal and Excel are you running? Are you receiving data in eSignal?


              • #8

                Thx for reply.

                Yes Esignal is running prior to starting Excel Sample sheet.

                Esignal Version 8 build 782

                Excel 2000 (9.0.2720)

                The "winsig.exe missing or not installed" error is intermitant.
                ie: when I start up excel ( after starting Esig) this error shows sometimes, other times it does not appear.

                The "run time error 13" always comes up, to which I select "end".

                After clicking "end" (as above) I am left with the excel doc open
                and in one of the Excel cells, there is a time display for the hour, min, and seconds and the clock is counting up in real time.
                So it seems something is connected.

                Sorry to be so vague.

                Thx again

                Last edited by swan; 03-10-2007, 04:54 AM.


                • #9
                  I don't know what could be causing the runtime 13 error message anyhow here are some things you may want to try.
                  Launch eSignal (or even just the Data Manager) then open a new Excel worksheet (not the Excel Sample) and type the following in cell A1 (replace ES M7 with any other symbol of your choice)
                  =WINROS|LAST!'ES M7'
                  and hit Enter
                  The cell should display the value of ES M7 which at the time of writing is 1417.5.

                  Save the Excel worksheet and close it. Then reopen the worksheet. You should see a dialog box similar to the following

                  Click Update and the cell should again return the current value of ES M7. If this is happening and you get no error messages then your DDE links should be working fine and the error messages you are getting when using the Excel Sample file may be due to an issue within that file only. In this case go to the eSignal folder and move the sigtools.xla file to another folder (for example My Documents). Then download the original copy of the sigtools.xla which I have uploaded here and save it to the eSignal folder. Try running the downloaded Excel Sample and see if you still get an error message.


                  • #10

                    I did as you described regards creating a new excel worksheet with
                    =WINROS|LAST!'ES M7'

                    and everything worked fine, suggesting , as you said that the DDE link is fine.

                    I then did as you described regards the new sigtool, unfortunately I am still getting the "runtime 13 error".

                    On the same error message it also says "data mismatch",
                    I can't remember if this was always there or is an additional line in the error box.

                    As you suggest there may be an issue within the excel sample sheet itself.

                    I'm very grateful for the help you've given and Jason

                    If I manage to find the fault I'll post my findings..


                    Last edited by swan; 03-13-2007, 06:22 AM.


                    • #11
                      Given that the DDE links appear to be working correctly and that the problem seems to be confined to the Excel Sample you may want to contact Montgomery Investment technology who developed the Excel Sample worksheet.
                      For the contact information and the link to their site see this article on DDE in the eSignal KnowledgeBase

