I have manged to get DDE working with my Visual Basic code and can request any prices but the problem I have is unlike the Excel spreadsheet I can not get the prices to update automatically.
Everytime I want an update price I have to manually request it. Does anyone know how this can be done automatically i.e using something like LinkAutomatic or LinkNotify instead of issuing a LinkRequest in a loop. I would expect the DDEServer app(in this case eSig) to send somesort of signal to say it has updated data.
I have manged to get DDE working with my Visual Basic code and can request any prices but the problem I have is unlike the Excel spreadsheet I can not get the prices to update automatically.
Everytime I want an update price I have to manually request it. Does anyone know how this can be done automatically i.e using something like LinkAutomatic or LinkNotify instead of issuing a LinkRequest in a loop. I would expect the DDEServer app(in this case eSig) to send somesort of signal to say it has updated data.