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.efs Formulas cause Flash Cells bug

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  • .efs Formulas cause Flash Cells bug

    Several users have reported instances where their "Last" price would no longer flash for new high/lows. Even a couple guys on my trading desk had experienced this issue. I never had a problem with the Flash Cells feature until two weeks ago, when the issue seemed to appear overnight. After a few hours of detective work, I have found the cause of this bug.

    If you select any eSignal quote page, open menu Quote Options/Colors..., there is the option to "Flash Cells when Intraday High/Low Occurs."
    This will result in the Bid Price and Last price cells to flash for new lows, and the Ask Price and Last price cells to flash for new highs.

    For some reason, loading ANY eSignal .efs formula onto ANY eSignal Advanced Chart causes the Last Price cell on ALL eSignal quote windows to no longer flash for either highs or low. The Bid Price and Ask Price will still flash however. This graphical conflict issue can be reproduced on eSignal 8 and eSignal 10.
    In addition, merely removing all .efs Formulas from your charts will not fix the issue. You have to completely shut down and restart eSignal (after removing the .efs Formula) in order for the Flash Cells feature to work again on the Last Price column.

    Due to screen space restraints, I only have three fields displayed in my quote pages: Symbol, Last, and Pct Change. Due to this graphical conflict, I can no longer see new high / low indications, on my quote windows, whenever I use an .efs formula on any of my charts.