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Gann Lines/Fans

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  • Gann Lines/Fans

    There are no classic Gann lines in E-Signal package. The only one are in Advanced Get package.

    Advanced Get has nothing to do with Gann. Their specialty is Elliot Wave. They don't teach genuine Gann theory; they abuse all his techniques, because they have no clue what it is.
    Auto Gann is unnecessary concoction that deals with averages, not specific pivots of force. That's an entirely different concept. Gann didn't use that.
    If you understand and use Gann's mathematics you wouldn't need anything else. You would be nailing tops and bottoms.

    Gann tool is simple; it has a fan of lines drawn at natural distances. There should be also a feature to scale 1X1 line to a specific price point per bar. That's Gann classic and it is very effective for those who have real knowledge of Gann and patience to make it work.

    Every package I know has a Gann fan or a fan that can be utilized in Gann's way. It became sort of regular and standard.
    Why did you put it in some Advanced Get box?

    I tried Advanced Get ware and I didn't like it. That's for beginners who want to start somewhere, try everything once and like to be told what to do instead of doing their research.

    Please make Gann fan available outside Get box.
    Please be fair to Gann fans, otherwise this is an insult to intelligence.

  • #2
    Gann Lines

    Moreover that's illegal for Advanced Get co. to claim Gann lines as their intellectual property.
    When they sell it in a stand alone package its one thing, they provide the interface.

    Within E-Signal platform E-Signal provides the interface, not AGet people.

    So all Gann tools as well as Anrew's, anything non AGet invented should be outside their box.



    • #3

      I believe that Nobody ever said that Advanced get it is a "specialized Gann Software".

      Nevertheless you better measure your words and/or try to know better the gann tools available in Advanced Get.

      1) the same results I got from Gann trader I have them with Gann lines in advanced get; the only think is that -as overall philosophy of the program - they tried to to simplify ( autogann) . Do not use the Optimize or Autogann , use YOUR GANN ANGLE for THAT MARKET (if you have it) and you'll get the same results. IDENTICAL.
      2) Use the GANN SQUARE. So what is wrong with it and what goes against W.D Gann? You got a perfect 1X1 and even more.

      3) Use the TIME & PRICE tool : if you put a little bit motre of willingness to understand you'll se that is an interesting and usefully Tool. Do you have to argue against the use of Fibonacci summation series and GANN sequences together?
      You are welcome . But do not criticize without knowing.

      4) what is wrong with Andrew Pitchfork? Please explain

      Should CQG exclude the TJ Optimized bands or the Elliot Count from it's platform only because not so " specialized " as in the ADVANCED GET?

      C'mon do not be childish. This is a great tool and works fine with a great team behind and there is no offence -IMHO -to the intelligence and the memory of anyone, included the venerable W.D.Gann.

      Gregg , What I can see is that ESIGNAL completeness is bothering many competitors; marketing wise this is a very good clue: the entry barrier in the competitive arena that this company is building up with the always improving ESIGNAL INTEGRATED platform are felt by the competitors as a threatens too difficult to overcame. And the Marketing capital that IDC and its controlled company are developing on the two dimensions of time and excellence it is considerable.

      Gregg , take some time to understand the philosophy of ADVANCED GET: you may not agree with Elliot but still appreciate the system that Mr Tom Joseph and his team developed in those years.

      Last edited by fabrizio; 07-07-2003, 09:49 AM.
      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


      • #4

        Your suggestion to add a very simple “Gann Angle Fan” to the basic eSignal Studies menu has merit and sounds like a reasonable request.

        As for your criticism of the Advanced GET approach to Gann theory, I disagree. We have never promoted AGET as the only Gann solution. We just provide one approach to Gann.

        If you wish to sign up for our AGET Intermediate seminar we teach how to better use the AGET Gann Box tool.

        We value your input. We could consider adding a very simple Gann Angle tool without any optimization routine as a possible basic eSignal feature. I will forward your idea.

        Thanks again for your input.



        • #5
          Gann Lines

          Few years ago I was at AGet seminar in NJ.
          Later friend of mine bought AGet ware. I am pretty familiar with the stand alone version, also with Get concepts.
          Counting El waves with the help of MA oscillator is a smart idea, but I don't find it to be of primary importance. I can build an MA oscillator in any package and trace oscillation growth or divergences without AGet. I know many Wall Street analysts do that successfully without AGet. Get has other tools that have their equivalent to the tools in a regular package.
          What AGet really specializing in: putting tools in one package and teaching neophytes what to do with them, also providing some automation. Sounds like a deal for beginners as it provides the opportunity to start at some higher then zero point level, but has also a built in limiting effect as you can't grow outside the AGet box. Thinking outside the AGet box means using different concepts or tweaking the existing and combining with something else. That's rather a next step and that's E-signal philosophy - provide the tools, not telling what to do with them.

          I think Get has an educational value for certain group of traders, just please don't try to put everybody in one box and please make Gann tools available as standard drawing tools.
          Gann lines within stand alone AGet is a nice addition, but within E-signal it's a rip off to some who doesn't need AGet. It’s just not right.

          I rather draw them by hand or use some freeware then to use AGet.



          • #6

            AGET is not a mechanical system; rather, AGET is a specific
            technical analysis approach or methodology for analyzing and
            trading the markets. You are correct; AGET is not the only
            solution, but it is a good one. This is one reason why AGET and
            eSignal have attempted to merge the two different cultures to
            become a better product.

            What you call a rip off, I would rather call a failure to understand
            a legitimate basic trading need. Your suggestions and comments
            are duly noted. Thanks again for your suggestion to add Gann
            angles to the basic eSignal studies menu. It would not surprise
            me if your ideas were acted upon in the near-future.


            • #7
              Thank you for your willingness to do that.
              E-Signal made a tremendous step forward in comparison to what it was 2 years ago. I would agree that AGet overall is a good educational product that can further complement the platform, but personally I am not interested in AGet, but I am interested in E-Signal.
              All new features are great. My only wish that you continue in that direction, add few drawing tools and what's more important more intraday data. 60 days is barely enough, especially considering that QCharts has about 2 years of intraday data and Trade Station is going to have 10 years for intraday back testing.

              Also Qcharts have delayed data for all exchanges even I don't subscribe for those. That's an extra value QCharts have for their subscribers and E-Signal doesn't. That's something desirable to see at E-Signal platform as well, Otherwise it’s a great stuff, just need a final touch + more data.

              Keep up your good work.



              • #8

                As part of this community I'm glad Marcus has been able to use its diplomacy to add value to esignal and to your position, and have you here happy.

                AGET is even a good educational tool. Not Only.

                Please do not transform it in a boy's toy.

                The brightness of who created AGET: could be good to start and approach a "simplified " but not ERETHIC Elliot theory , yet perfect for advanced pro traders.

                Someone thought me 2 different perspectives all fully complementary to the others, but either two different job:
                use a soft to make money
                use a soft to make analysis.

                Pragmatism Vs/ Theory

                Note: I do not work for Esig Aget.
                I have no direct contact with anyone of the creators or any relevant stakeholders
                I'm just a simple customer part of this community and I PAY for the services they supply me.

                Whilst I perfectly agree with many of your notes ( the 60 days per example) I hope we will continue discussing about trading with esignal elliot or gann here (and surely I'll have the chance to learn from you) !

                My warmest regards

                Last edited by fabrizio; 07-09-2003, 10:47 AM.
                Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                • #9
                  Greg and Fabrizio,

                  Again, thanks for your input. Greg, your last comments below I
                  think are very helpful and the kind of input we need. It was
                  positive and constructive, and I think it provides good insight.

                  I have the distinct advantage of being a paying customer of
                  eSignal [DBC] and a newer employee with the AGET acquisition.
                  I know where eSignal was and where it is going, and personally
                  could not be more excited at the improvements I know are
                  coming in the near future.

                  Again, thanks for your feedback. It really does matter and we
                  REALLY do appreciate it.
                  Last edited by MR; 07-09-2003, 01:17 AM.

