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Quote Header Question

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  • Quote Header Question

    An organizational question:
    Can I create another header for a quote window besides quote?
    For example, I want to organize my quote windows into sectors and have the quote windows available individually and as a page.

    Any suggestions, advice or is this even possible?

  • #2
    Not sure as to what you are asking so I will try to cover two features of the Quote window that are related to your question.

    If you are asking whether one can assign a name in the Title Bar of the Quote window that is different from the Quote1, Quote2, etc assigned automatically by the application then yes it is possible even if you are using Pages rather than Layouts. Once you have set up the Quote Window click on File->Save As... and assign the name you want. At that point you are essentially creating a Quote Window file (*.quo) that you can save in a Layout or a Page or neither and still be able to open any time you wish.

    If instead you want to have multiple Headers in a single Quote Window - for example to separate types of instruments or sectors - then you can do that too (see image below).

    As you can see I have created completely separate "sections" within the same Quote Window each one with its own Headers that in turn contain different Fields and each one sorted by different Fields
    To add Headers right click anywhere on the row above which you want to insert the new Header and select Edit->Insert Heading. You will then be given a choice of preformatted Headers (you can change them later if you want). Select the one you want and click OK.
    This will insert a new Header row in the Quote Window which you can now organize separately from the other sections.
    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Quote Page Header: Quote1, Quote2...

      Thank you for responding and with the idea of the quote page, it is something to try for my industry sections.
      My question is assigning a new header instead of Quote 1, Quote2... I have saved the quote windows as files and, I want to be able to replace the header Quote 1 with, Type 1 Buys or XTL Blue. My idea is to keep track of my trading ideas in a quote file and to be able to easily recognize which quote window I am looking at.
      Does this make sense and is it possible? How would I do it?


      • #4
        I just told you how to do it. Also notice the name of my Quote Window is DowJones30 and not Quote1 or any other number.
        Go to File->Save As... (not File->Save). This will open the Save dialog box where you can assign the name you want.
        You do not need to save it as a Page to do this.

