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MARKET PROFILE (questions from a former CQG MP user)

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  • #16
    Market Profile Enhancements for 7.9

    Hi folks,

    Just to let you know, we have a number of Market Profile enhancements coming in v7.9. The first public beta of this version is due out sometime this week.

    You can expect the following changes:

    - auto offsets for session start times.
    - saves and recalls the custom distributions set up by the user.
    - letter segments can now be individually edited.
    - saves and recalls specific tick settings on a chart.
    - when scrolling back, our Market Profile used to reset all of your custom distributions when new data came in. This has been fixed.
    - you can unmerge specific sessions (previously could only reset ALL sessions).
    - you can now remove ALL splits, or splits just for one session.
    - right-click "Merge Left" in addition to the regular horizontal axis drag and combine.
    - horizontal axis drag and combine had a bad bug where it would report the wrong dates if you weren't scrolled to the very right/most recent session, making it essentially useless once scrolled to earlier dates.
    - widest TPO summary above each session, like in CapFlow. Previously had to turn on the cursor window (takes up space) and move your mouse over the widest TPO section (takes up time).
    - some symbols (like the Bund) would report the highs and lows as one tick higher than they should have. This has been fixed.

    I'm hoping to get TimmyFuel's request for the profiles by session rather than profile by calendar day done for Beta/2. This is not in Beta/1 yet.



    • #17
      MP enhancement

      Hi Dion,

      Good news on the MP enhancements. One that's not there that I've requested several times before is to add volume above and below the cursor like you already have for TPO counts. There's even an empty space just begging for it under "VOL" at the bottom of the display. To my untechnical mind this seems pretty simple to do and would be much appreciated. TIA.


      • #18
        Hi Bob, that does sound pretty simple, and I'll try to squeeze it in for Beta/2. The first Beta should be posted sometime today or tomorrow.

        Join the beta fileshare group if you wish to receive notifications about the beta:

