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chart linking and indicies

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  • chart linking and indicies


    Im having a problem with linking my charts with indicies. I spent a lot of time on hold waiting for an answer then a tech helped me through the problem. It was resolved by changing the color of the link. But it seems every other day or so i have to change again. Dosn't seem right. I cant get indiicies such as $bkx or $sox for an example but any equity comes up fine. They actually come up for a split second and then they disappear, the incdicies that is. Any help would be appreciated.


    Have a Great Year

  • #2
    Hi Juice,

    Let me see if I understand. You have a quote sheet open with several indices including $sox & $bkx. Along with that you have an advanced chart open. Each window is linked using a specific color (say for this purpose orange). When clicking on the indices the chart updates, then goes blank? after which you change the linking colors to a new color and it works fine for a time being, but then reverts back to the error?

    What happens when you type in the indice to the advance chart, does that work o.k.? Let me know if I my understanding is what you are experiencing and we'll go from there.



    • #3
      thanks for reply

      When i open a new advanced chart with no links it works fine, but then if i go to link that chart it will go blank. And yes you do understand my problem correct. One more tidbit after the chart comes up correct and lets use $sox for example in the chart it reads $sox - semiconductor sector 5 when the chart goes blank it then changes to read $sox - U.S. Stocks 5. like its trying to get the info from wrong area.

      Thanks again for trying to help



      • #4
        Hi Juice,

        I sent you a PM with some account information. Please check it out when you get the chance.


