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Hello...How can I display a 3 yr advanced chart with each a month...I put in M and just get a few months...also How to display a advanced chart for 3 years
Open the Time Template (right click chart->Time Templates->Edit...) and in the template of your choice add a User Defined interval, set it to M and type the desired #Bars (NOT #Days)
In the example I have it set to display 250 bars which is in excess of the historical data provided by eSignal. The attached chart in fact shows 211 bars loaded
Hello...How can I display a 3 yr advanced chart with each a month...I put in M and just get a few months...also How to display a advanced chart for 3 years
Open the Time Template (right click chart->Time Templates->Edit...) and in the template of your choice add a User Defined interval, set it to M and type the desired #Bars (NOT #Days)
In the example I have it set to display 250 bars which is in excess of the historical data provided by eSignal. The attached chart in fact shows 211 bars loaded