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Account Conversions Continue - Important Username and PSW Information

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  • Account Conversions Continue - Important Username and PSW Information

    Dear eSignal XTRA users,

    As we continue to migrate users from the FutureSource Network to the eSignal Network, please keep in mind that you'll need to type the correct upper/lower case letters when you enter your username and password for Xtra to operate properly on the eSignal Network.

    In other words, let's say your username is Trader45. When logging onto the FutureSource Network, Trader45 and trader45 will both work. On the eSignal Network, only Trader45 will work.

    If we can determine that you may be entering your username or PSW in the incorrect upper/lower case, we will be sending you an email this week to remind you of your correct username/password. Please check your email inbox periodically for notices from us.

    Thank you.