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Question about European markets and forex

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  • Question about European markets and forex

    I'm looking to trade something pre US open
    What do you suggest?
    Was thinking about the FTSE or the DAX (I have no experience with either one of these).

    I assume there are futures on both?
    What exchange would I need r/t quotes with to see these in real time.

    Also When looking at forex; which plan would I sign up with to see forex ... ie dont really know the difference between the ones listed there.


    And do I need to use Qcharts 6.0 to see quotes on the forex and europe markets? or can I still use 5.1?

  • #2
    While I haven't traded the FTSE or DAX personally, I have heard good things about these financial products. The FTSE trades on the NYSE Euronext. It moves in half point increments, and the value is approximately $20 per point (10 pounds). The DAX resides on the Eurex and also trades in half point increments. The contract value is 25 Euros per point which is about $35 in the US Dollar based on the current EUR/USD rates.

    Forex is quite an interesting market, I have traded it in the past and it certainly flows quite differently than the stock or futures markets. Technical systems will likely need to be tweaked for the Forex market. A few interesting tidbits about Forex. The trader can control the size of the contract. There are two common sizes 10k (minis) or 100k (standard), and the allowed leverage size can vary depending on your broker, but it's usually around 100:1 or 200:1.

    Some brokers claim they are commission free, but they usually have wider pip spreads (i.e. bid/ask spread) to make their money back, so be careful with those types of setups.

    These are just my experiences (very part-time trader) with these markets. Hopefully, others can comment on their own experiences.

    Both Forex and International markets are only available in QCharts 6.0. QCharts 5.1 does not have this data on its network, so you'll need to upgrade to see this data. In order to see the exchange fees associated with this data, please visit your Account Maintenance page.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    • #3
      Thanks Jay for the info!

      Some more questions while I am at it.

      So what products exactly are included with the CME real time quotes (not just the minis).

      On the CME website it lists NYMEX also under the Globex so does this mean with CME rt quotes you can get crude oil along with mini crude, and heating oil and gas etc?

      also is there a list of symbols; I Cant seem to get the ticker symbol look up to work in Qcharts.

      Wanted to see what symbol is the JPY EUR and a few others

      (oh I should note that I am still using 5.1 Qcharts ... although I use 6.0 too at times)
      Last edited by DJXput; 10-01-2007, 04:28 PM.


      • #4

        So what products exactly are included with the CME real time quotes (not just the minis).
        In this page of the eSignal Symbols Guide you can see what products are included with each CME package (CME, CME e-minis, CME Globex)

        On the CME website it lists NYMEX also under the Globex so does this mean with CME rt quotes you can get crude oil along with mini crude, and heating oil and gas etc?
        While those NYMEX products are traded and quoted on the CME Globex they require a subscription to either the NYMEX or NYMEX miNY packages (the latter may not yet be available to QCharts users at this time)
        For the complete list of NYMEX symbols see this page in the eSignal Symbols Guide

        Wanted to see what symbol is the JPY EUR and a few others
        For the complete list of currency symbols see this page in the eSignal Symbols Guide. You may also want to review this page for the symbol formats and contributors code
        Note that all the above symbols are for use with QCharts 6.0
        Hope this helps


        • #5

          If a subscriber is subscribed to delayed data, will delayed FOREX data be available to him?

          I tried to view a chart of EUR/USD on Qcharts 6.0 but I had no success. I used the following example from one of the pages linked in your post: EUR A0-FX.

          The same question applies to DAX and Nikkei. Are those indices available on a delayed basis?

          Thanks in advance.


          • #6

            If a subscriber is subscribed to delayed data, will delayed FOREX data be available to him?
            I believe you need to be subscribed to the Delayed Forex bundle to access that data.

            The same question applies to DAX and Nikkei. Are those indices available on a delayed basis?
            I believe that would require a subscription to the Delayed Global (non-North American) Futures and Futures Options bundle.
            I would suggest that you confirm this with a Customer Service Representative as they are best equipped to answer these kind of questions

