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  • Frustrated

    Hey Folks,
    Would like to understand what happened today w/ the power outage.
    Do you have UPS, backup servers or a failover plan other than yahoo, livecharts or

    I've been a qcharts subscriber for 4+ years now. Actually have two accounts @ $134 each for myself and spouse.

    What I am seeing is:
    1-support request via the web site go unanswered. No response period.
    2-data integrity issues like PCU, CME etc. You know a split is coming on a widely traded stock weeks in advance and it still takes days to fix it. It shouldn't happen in the first place.
    3-performance degradation on the existing services of which I still pay full price.
    4-lack of concern - today for example. Complete system failure for at least 3 hours before any acknowledgment to the client community. You don't have warning systems or notice the office was black? Why not use the same email notification system you use to send notice of price increases?

    I understand the push for V6. I'm in SW development myself. If it wasn't for this forum and the people on it supporting your application, the support level would only be sad at best.

    Am I the only one out here frustrated to tears? Upper mgmt not hearing the screams? Whom do I talk to?

    Siler City, NC

  • #2
    Hi Greg,

    I am also frustrated to tears. I previously worked in IT Risk Management and we made sure that critical services and systems were maintained during outages. It was a bad morning for me because I trade $NDX and futures were set up to have a nice pop on the open which I could not see because of the outage. By my estimation, I missed a $10 move in the first hour of the day due to no charts. Missed opportunities like those are so frequent these days with lockups and other frustrations that I just can't seem to get past. I would like to "just trade" but eSignal is apparently working against me... and yet I continue to pay them?

    Please Jay, and senior management... take QCharts and your business seriously. Get some redundant systems and serious backup power sources (not the ones you get at Best Buy!) Let us know when there are issues that affect our work. You have all of our email addresses. And please give us fast access to your fast data. QCharts has become a memory and processor hog as a result of eSignal integration. Make it lean and responsive again please.

    I am nearly at the end of my rope.


    • #3
      The Reality of Things

      I have been a QCharts subscriber since the late 1990s and have seen both good times and bad. As unbelievable as it may seem, there was a time when QCharts was MUCH worse than it is now.

      The unfortunate reality is that eSignal's various software products (such as QCharts) are priced for the retail market, and consequently, are poorly written and unreliable due to a lack of sufficient programming resources. If you want a more robust platform, then you need to look at software that has been developed for the professional market. What you will find is that those products cost a minimum of $5000-6000 more per year than you currently pay for QCharts or eSignal or FutureSource. You may not get all of the features that make QCharts so unique, but you will be able to find software that provides accurate and reliable data on a consistent basis.

      Ultimately, you must choose between paying less and accepting "lost" profits when QCharts is down, or paying more and assuring market access whenever you need it. If you honestly believe that you are losing more than $6000 per year from poor QCharts service, then switch to a better product. Otherwise, grin and bear the trials and tribulations of QCharts. You get what you pay for.


      • #4
        Hi there everyone,

        Thanks for your posts.

        We value all comments here.

        To keep updated on our current network status, I recommend you subscribe to our Network & Exchange Status forum.

        I have forwarded your feedback to my management.

        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          Originally posted by ShaheedM

          To keep updated on our current network status, I recommend you subscribe to our Network & Exchange Status forum.

          This is funny, if not adding insult to injury.

          The eSignal Central site was down and unavailable this morning, along with QCharts.



          • #6

            Why not just pay an additional $16.00 per month or so and have another program such as Sierra Charts fed by your broker data, running simultaneously. This way in the even of a QC break in service you don't get stuck. It is also a good way or noting whether or not your data is accurate..when you can compare it to some other independant source. Good Luck, Kate

