Historical options data is now available in QCharts. This data can be viewed in intraday charts or in a Time & Sales window. This new add-on service can be added to your account through the Account Maintenance page.
Due to the large increases in Trade and Quote volume and the associated costs in storing, delivering and maintaining this type of data, this add-on is priced at $50 / month.
While we recognize that data was formerly available on the Continuum network at no charge, it was not physically possible to do so without a loss of quality nor was it fiscally sound from the business-side as this component was running at a loss. All-in-all the service is back in QCharts and carries increased accuracy compared to that of Continuum.
Due to the large increases in Trade and Quote volume and the associated costs in storing, delivering and maintaining this type of data, this add-on is priced at $50 / month.
While we recognize that data was formerly available on the Continuum network at no charge, it was not physically possible to do so without a loss of quality nor was it fiscally sound from the business-side as this component was running at a loss. All-in-all the service is back in QCharts and carries increased accuracy compared to that of Continuum.