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Advanced Charting Methods & Ideas

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  • Plaiyng with Geometry and FIBONACCI

    Jolly Good Bravo.

    Using Andy Pitchfork you would have obtained the same results........

    Here is today 08/06

    Here is the Chart of 07/17

    Last edited by fabrizio; 08-07-2003, 01:44 AM.
    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


    • Long needed pullback?

      Last edited by JJordan; 08-06-2003, 02:08 PM.


      • Swings & Ranges con't.

        ..again we see a SAR sell and reverse pattern....but, it's
        a whipsaw market for nibble traders. Options manipulation
        and moon phases will keep speculators hopping in the futures pits.
        The trend is gaining momentum?

        Watch the key green lines on these daily candles.
        Last edited by JJordan; 08-07-2003, 08:04 AM.


        • channel breaks con't

          A nice chart posted Tue by Greg


          • my opinion on Nasdaq of 07/26/03

            NASDAQ Today at 12:38 AM EST
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • Ideas

              Simple is as simple does<g>


              • SPX Daily candles con't

                A good place to take it sideways into options expiration
                and put it to the options holders...sure volatility
                in dollar and gold & SP for noise. But who knows?


                • Swings &amp; Ranges con't.

                  Looks like a run possible into the bell? Forks on candles.
                  Higher energy costs and interest rates will put cap on it.


                  • Pattern traders

                    Lots of traders need recognition of trends and patterns
                    to feel comfortable with trades....these patterns become
                    engrained in your head and lines usually become unnecessary.
                    But when you see a good set-up usually everybody else does also<g>
                    Anyway, I don't know if today wasn't just a big ol flag?


                    • What us Ex-Qchartists know...

                      Crap is crap! You can't make money with crap.<g>

                      I got an Elitetrader ticked at me because I wasn't
                      explaining my charts properly or enough? During my
                      tongue lashing about my PCLN chart , he posted this to me.<g>
                      Let your charts do the talking. BS, keeps walking!

                      Last edited by JJordan; 08-07-2003, 04:25 PM.


                      • Swings &amp; Ranges con't.

                        Watch this high pole, but should see some momentum in
                        bounce, but some volatility. The trading range or option
                        strikes being defended another day? Should mark the gap
                        for retest. Edit: Oops sorry over-wrote 1st chart again

                        Edit: Oops sorry over-wrote 1st chart again

                        Last edited by JJordan; 08-08-2003, 10:39 AM.


                        • Swings &amp; Ranges con't.

                          The day closed just a little weaker than expected.
                          Just enough excitement into options expiration.
                          The final chart of this series should be a nice
                          little bullish pennant? We'll just have to see<g>
                          Have a nice weekend chartists and chart readers.


                          • Mathematics &amp; Analysis is about Perspectives &amp; Relationships

                            Hi Fabrizio, Linus and other lurkers,
                            I'm the average user ignornant of the mathematics and scientific approach used in the mathematic formulas and theories used in many charting programs. Everyday someone applies these concepts to more and more complicated systems. It's all Escher's relativity to my eyes. The only way I can understand them is to play around with the tools and see what patterns I can recognise that occur with enough regularity to predict future moves with confidence and reliability. Pattern recognition is pointless if the patterns don't repeat when expected. My point is the tools are only useful when you learn to impliment the theories behind them with enough understanding to see them work. Discovering the wheel isn't enough......attaching wheels to things make things move. Why fibonacci is such a cool thing......everyone understands what half off (Excellent) means.

                            I'm not trying to show anything on this cluttered chart ...I am interacting with tools and concepts only to see what I can see and learn. Relationships of price and movement is all any of these mathematical formulas try to show. Price Broke below a descending triangle(not drawn) Friday will it reverse and retrace? Or the continuation pattern win out? Extended clutter.

                            Jeff, a small fish...big strange pond<g>

                            Last edited by JJordan; 08-10-2003, 10:46 AM.


                            • JJ

                              As well as Linus I appreciate your last letter.

                              Putting an ESCHER image showed something about you: sensibility and a clue.... Nobody who loves Escher is not aware of autoreferential logics and the enormous work of Godel on this.
                              So you plaiyng low profile but your knowledge is far above what you say.

                              I learned to accept ( and like )your chart the way they are.
                              Sometimes I understand them, sometimes not: as Linus said you think loud, and chart, experimenting . Sometimes I feel dumb since I do not understand the whole picture.......

                              But this is JJ:
                              We like him, we apprecaite him, we highly esteem him.
                              Expecially because is a cristal clear person , honest and able to express continously his technical opinion.

                              God really bless you JJ,

                              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                              • Speculation &amp; Fear

                                The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. —Proverbs 1:7
                                A mere accumulation of facts, though, doesn't add up to insight and understanding. All the learning of philosophers, the speculations of ethicists, and the achievements of scientists can't give us the truth about God and His will. Some say it is written in the stars? Does Fibonacci or Gann just a copy systems of nature?
                                More fun with geometry A weekly stochastic.

                                Speculation: Operations wherein intelligent foresight is employed for the purpose of deriving a profit from price changes

                                Linus, You don't want to see me play? It is a recognized fact in the financial trading community that simulated performance results have no real world value other than marketing. It's not about me or my acquired trading skills, this thread is purely as an educational tool for traders who wish to learn more about trading the financial markets and the analysis tools available in esignal software. All advice and predictions of the markets are presented to teach how the charts works and should be taken as such. All actions taken in the markets are the sole responsibility of the person, However if your interested this is a loose portfolio I keep. Thanks for the comments.

