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E-Signal Charts Components

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  • E-Signal Charts Components

    Dear all,

    Can i use the same esignal chart components ( OCX,DLL's ) files.

    Thank you

  • #2
    The eSignal chart components are embedded withing winsig.exe, so I don't know how you would be able to use them.


    • #3

      Thank You , I want these com (Components) to use it in my project.

      About why i want to use it ? iam working on project that get real time prices from our local market (Jordan country Market) this country in the middle east, and i want to use these charts in my projects cuz these charts are very proffesssionals . if you have any com (Components) the same esignal charts exactly please provide me the source.

      Best Regards.


      • #4
        Using eSignal Charting


        Is there a way for me to use the eSignal charts in my own VB application?

        I need a way to display eSignal charts as components in my own application, but have not been able to find anything in the Standard API for that.

        What do others use for developing charts using eSignal data?

        Is this even supported by eSignal? If not, do you know of a third-party extension that will allow me to do this?


        Market Guidance


        • #5
          As far as I know, none of the APIs provide access to the charting components of the eSignal app. They are essentially data-only APIs.

          I have come across one or two third party charting controls, possibly even a shareware one. Unfortunately I don't recall any of the names or web sites. Maybe a little Googling will help. For my app, I just wrote my own. Took a little time, but it does exactly what I need and looks exactly the way I want it to look.

          Cheers... George


          • #6
            You will need to create your own charts. I have used a chart control from ComponentOne before with great results.


            • #7
              I use Esignal's CreateNewWindow to integrate eSignal charts into my app.


              • #8
                Originally posted by GenSpoo
                As far as I know, none of the APIs provide access to the charting components of the eSignal app. They are essentially data-only APIs.
                This is rather unfortunate since the built in charts are pretty good, and would be a very powerful addition to their API.

                I have come across one or two third party charting controls, possibly even a shareware one. Unfortunately I don't recall any of the names or web sites. Maybe a little Googling will help. For my app, I just wrote my own. Took a little time, but it does exactly what I need and looks exactly the way I want it to look.

                Cheers... George
                I am currently looking at third party charting controls, just haven't come accross anything too great yet. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to develop my own control; I admit, that would be best.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by wscully
                  I use Esignal's CreateNewWindow to integrate eSignal charts into my app.
                  I'm trying to find this on their it an API call?

                  Can I instantiate a chart window and position it on top of my app at x,y coordinates?

                  Is this what you're refering to?

                  Thanks for the reply!


                  • #10
                    Interesting. I have never played with that call, but it is in the API. I just looked it up in the Visual Studio object browser. It doesn't take a window handle, so I doubt you could embed the window in your own app (without some tricks at least). It does take a bPoppedOut argument though so you should be able to display it outside of the main eSignal app.

                    Since wscully uses it, maybe he can provide some more insight.

                    Cheers... George

