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Crashing calling T&S data real time on XP

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  • Crashing calling T&S data real time on XP

    I have 4 application developed on C++ running( Visual Studio 6. sp 6 ) on XP sp2, fetching, realtime data of stock symbols ( with high volume of trades) . Recently i upgraded to esignal 7.7 ( release candidate ). I get a crash every 5-10 minutes with stack mentioned below ( mainly on IHooks::GetIsEntitled() ) . All my 4 apps are single threaded apps. So the thread which receives ES_OnTimeSalesChanged() events also updates the Gui. Please let me know if you can find issues.

    KERNEL32! 77e73887()
    MSVCRTD! _CxxThrowException@8 + 57 bytes
    _com_raise_error(long -2147417856, IErrorInfo * 0x00000000) + 35 bytes
    _com_issue_errorex(long -2147417856, IUnknown * 0x00000000, const _GUID & {IID_IHooks}) + 93 bytes
    IHooks::GetIsEntitled() line 57
    MainDialog::OnTimer(unsigned int 1) line 405 + 18 bytes
    CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int 275, unsigned int 1, long 0, long * 0x0012fb40) line 1840
    CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 275, unsigned int 1, long 0) line 1596 + 30 bytes
    AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x0012fe28 {MainDialog hWnd=0x00030b70}, HWND__ * 0x00030b70, unsigned int 275, unsigned int 1, long 0) line 215 + 26 bytes
    AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x00030b70, unsigned int 275, unsigned int 1, long 0) line 379
    AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x00030b70, unsigned int 275, unsigned int 1, long 0) line 220 + 21 bytes
    USER32! 77d43a50()
    USER32! 77d43b1f()
    USER32! 77d43d79()
    USER32! 77d44374()
    CWnd::RunModalLoop(unsigned long 4) line 3489 + 19 bytes
    CDialog:oModal() line 539 + 12 bytes
    DesktopAPI::InitInstance() line 77 + 11 bytes
    AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, char * 0x00141f25, int 1) line 39 + 11 bytes
    WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, char * 0x00141f25, int 1) line 30
    WinMainCRTStartup() line 330 + 54 bytes
    KERNEL32! 77e814c

  • #2
    So you have 4 applications each using the COM object with the same username? That is a bit uncommon and could cause some problems. The IsEntitled() function has not be reported to having any issues.

    Can you please provide additional details?


    • #3
      Not to whine too much... but there are random crashing problems still in the application. I have sent plenty of crash reports to eSignal.

      Chimanshu might be seeing it in the IsEntitled() call, but that is probably only a symptom.

      I now have two apps running using eSignal COM objects and have gotten more crashing, it might be useful to have the QA tests create a dozen instances of themselves running in parallel to flush out these issues. Start them up overnight and see if makes it until morning doing various requests...

      When I stated eSignal crashes on me perhaps fifty times a day it wasn't an exaggeration. The interesting thing is Monday is a more major crash day than others. Like today it just crashed first half hour so far.

      Normally I restart eSignal in the COM handler, and then have to clean out existing handles and reissue requests for data. The next step for me is to scan the process table for the CoreReport every minute or so to handle crashes which block...

      Doing a lotta work here to keep the balancing act going...

      Sorry can't give you guys more good news Robi!



      • #4
        The crashing was frequent when I upgraded to 7.7 and happens during 1st and last hour of trading and that too when trading vol of QQQ and ES U4 is very high. I then reverted back to 7.6 and the crashing is bit controlled, but may reappear when i again see high vol.

        Robi, if you think running mutile application with same userid is not a good practice then i can take a hit of having 1 app which can collect all my required data.

        But then i have a single host which is running multiple esignal desktops and other third party software which depends on esignal data, all having same esignal userid and these third party applications never complains.


        • #5

          The multiple applications just seem to cause the crashes to happen faster, the problem is still there with just one application.

          If the other eSignal apps are using a different interface than the ActiveX one they can keep going fine as well. Some of my data comes in via DDE interface, and that continues to work ok even when the ActiveX has problems.

          When running eSignal the WinSig.exe and WinRos.exe are both used, with the second being the data manager. Although it's useful to restart that at beginning of day normally it runs fine all day long. This is also the one that provides DDE quotes and I believe the DLL providing lower level access is part of this also.

          They might have a latency issue which need to check across a remote access point or something, but I wouldn't convert to one app expecting the problem will disappear. It's something eSignal needs to track down.



          • #6
            The Windows 2000 issue was actually a buffer memset overrun (about 15 bytes over!) , so it may have had an indirect impact on stability in XP as well. I'd be interested to hear if the next release candidate is more stable in general.


            Simon Thornington
            eSignal Developer


            • #7
              Originally posted by JimBecker17

              The multiple applications just seem to cause the crashes to happen faster, the problem is still there with just one application.

              If the other eSignal apps are using a different interface than the ActiveX one they can keep going fine as well. Some of my data comes in via DDE interface, and that continues to work ok even when the ActiveX has problems.

              When running eSignal the WinSig.exe and WinRos.exe are both used, with the second being the data manager. Although it's useful to restart that at beginning of day normally it runs fine all day long. This is also the one that provides DDE quotes and I believe the DLL providing lower level access is part of this also.

              They might have a latency issue which need to check across a remote access point or something, but I wouldn't convert to one app expecting the problem will disappear. It's something eSignal needs to track down.


              Jim could you give me a quick call... 831-649-4659

              **Have Stop - Will Trade**

