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eSignal Data Manager

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  • eSignal Data Manager

    I am using eSignal version 7.6 (273) as an application and have recently begun using the desktop API. In both cases, it seems that when the eSignal data manager is launched (by starting eSignal or attaching to the eSignal COM object) you are required to click on the 'disclaimer' screen that is put up by the data manager. If I do not do this when using eSignal itself, I receive no data. If I do not do this when I am using the API, Entitled comes back as false. Is there a way to avoid this, or am I totally missing something here.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Kevin Anstey
    Paamco LLC

  • #2
    The interface of the DataManager has changed slightly in version 7.7 of eSignal, in a way that you will probably like. There is a Release Candidate that is available right now on the same download page (right side).

    The Final Release of 7.7 will be available later this week, which also addresses some other known defects.


    • #3
      Thanks Robi,

      Just to verify my understanding then, in the current version of eSignal, you must click on that disclaimer window prior to receiving data via the eSignal app or your own app which utilizes the desktop API?
      Kevin Anstey
      Paamco LLC


      • #4
        I believe you are correct, but have been using 7.7 for so long, I can't remember exactly. Go with 7.7 - especially if you are using ActiveX.


        • #5

          Have downloaded and installed new version of eSignal (7.7).
          Problem still persists. When the data manager first comes up, unless I click on the dislaimer screen, my call to isEntitled fails. If I acknowledge the DM screen, then all is OK. This is not very useful in an application that sits on top of eSignal.

          Is there a way to suppress that screen?
          Kevin Anstey
          Paamco LLC


          • #6
            The disclaimer must exist for obvious reasons, but it goes away after 20 or 30 seconds after starting eSignal, so you may want to incorporate a timer into your application to accomodate.


            • #7

              For me the Data Manager is always in the task bar, which might be based on closing it that way prior time? The disclaimer does timeout if the screen is visible.

              But to answer your question about IsEntitled(), it lies to you. Sometimes sez you aren't entitled when you are. One of the sample apps does a wait before calling it, probably to avoid this behavior.

              There was a thread a while back which I recall talked about this.

              Although my debug log prints out when this occurs, my code just continues on and everything works fine.

              Not sure why something this simple would not at least block until it can get the right answer, but the "workaround" is to just ignore it...



              • #8
                IsEntitled doesn't lie, but there is a pause before the entitlements come back from the server farm on what services your account is enabled for, which happens during initial start-up. The pause was put in to allow for that information to come back to the client, which is only a few seconds. You will sometimes notice it in eSignal, were the screen does not update data right away - only after the entitlements are received.

                There is a new event called OnEntitled() which has been added to 7.7 so it is a bit easier.

