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Understanding RequestSymbol

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  • Understanding RequestSymbol

    It was my understanding in reading the documentation on the API that I could send as many RequestSymbol requests as I wanted to (i.e. for different symbols) and each symbol would fire the OnQuoteChanged event. In actual testing, I can't seem to deal with another RequestSymbol until I release the previous one. I hope I am just not doing this right.

    So far, using WINROS in Excel is better for dealing with quote data. The API really needs a GetDetailedQuote function (that would have Previous Close, Open, Hi, Low, etc) instead of just the BasicQuote and if it does not already, it should handle my original issue above. There is no way I am going into the history calls to get yesterdays closing price just so I can calcuation a % change for today.

  • #2
    Yes, you can call RequestSymbol for many symbols, however it is recommended not to call it for more than 200-250 symbols simultaneously because you will more than likely experience performance issues.

    Depending on the functionality of the software, I agree that DDE may be more efficient, especially for quote data. The limitation with DDE is that only real-time data can be extracted, not historical intra-day quotes.

    If you are looking to calculate a % changed, there are at least 2 relatively easy options:

    1) keep yesterday's data in a file or database to reference
    2) call RequestHistory for the symbol for yesterday's data

    I think a GetDetailedQuote function would cause too much overhead (a Basic Quote already has enough overhead) and would likely be abused by developers, which would generate additional support issues.


    • #3
      Daily High or Low availability?

      Can anyone tell me a practical method for getting the current day's high and low prices apart from the historical high/low. They're not in the GetBasicQuote structure and I can't bring myself to believe that, unlike every other datafeed on the planet, eSignal doesn't provide it somewhere.

      Thanks for any help.



      • #4
        Regarding number of symbols. It appears that the API limit is related to quotes/time in that if you are screening a lot of relatively inactive stocks, you can request more symbols -- well over 200 without apparent problems.

        Query, what is good way to test for overloading?

        Cone Killer


        • #5
          The current day's high and low is available at the end of the market with the historical or it can be determined on the client side during the day by simple if-then statements.


          • #6
            High/Low intraday

            Just to make sure I understand: I need to have my app running continuously throughout the trading day, examining every last price to see if it is higher or lower than the values I have stored as the high/low, and if so storing the new high/low in a variable, output file, etc.

            Is that right?



            • #7
              I'm sorry, there is another way:

              Use RequestHistory to obtain an intraday bar and the BarData structure that is returned has High and Low in it. You will have to play with it if a "D" bar type starts with the current day or not, since I cannot recall if it does or not.

