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Can't get "entitled" (using Borland Builder)

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  • Can't get "entitled" (using Borland Builder)


    I'm trying to use Borland Builder C++ v5.0 Enterprise to connect via eSignal's Desktop API. I think I'm close. I imported the type library and it now has the eSignal icon in my ActiveX pallette. I drop this icon onto my form and can access the main properties and it shows the events.

    I compile and run the application, and when I call eSignal->Connect(), eSignal v7.7 loads and connects. If I call eSignal->Disconnect(), the eSignal application shuts down. So I'm thinking Builder is instantiating the eSignal object okay. I can also call functions eSignal->Get_GetAppVersion() and eSignal->Get_GetAppHWND() and I'm getting valid responses.

    But when I make a call to eSignal->SetApplication() with an argument of widechar containing my eSignal username, I can't get it to set IsEntitled to TRUE. I've checked my billing history, and see I've been charged the initial API fee and the monthly fee. Any chance I'm still not set as entitled on eSignal's end?

    Is anyone else using Builder C++ to commnicate with the API?


  • #2
    You should just use your username in quotes. Also you should get the OnEntitled() event to fire with 7.7.

    I see you recently subscribed. Welcome. Sometimes it takes a day for your entitlements to be spread across all authorization servers. I know of some Borland developers and they have satisfied with the API.


    • #3
      Originally posted by eSignal Robi
      You should just use your username in quotes. Also you should get the OnEntitled() event to fire with 7.7.
      Yes I did get OnEntitled event to fire. But IsEntitled is still returning 0. I also did a SetApplication to a bogus value, and the OnEntitled event is still firing, so does that just mean Entitlement was attempted but doesn't necessarily mean success?

      Just to be clear, are you saying that the username being passed to SetApplication should be in quotes? In other words wchar 0 = " and wchar 9 = " in the case of an 8 character username?


      • #4
        You are correct in your assumption. I am able to get Entitled with your username.


        • #5
          Originally posted by eSignal Robi
          You are correct in your assumption. I am able to get Entitled with your username.
          Which assumption?

          The one about quotes being part of the username string, or the one about OnEntitled event firing meaning you've SetApplication but not necessarily meaning that you are entitled? I'm still getting IsEntitled being returned as zero, and the OnEntitled event fires regardless of what I use as a username.

          I'm not sure what to expect on this.


          • #6
            I stumbled onto this in my Help-About-ActiveX Info...

            *** AppString:
            *** AXQ (ActiveX Developer) found
            *** Username: rgabriel
            *** They do not match.
            *** No matching known AppString
            *** ActiveX is not entitled

            Not sure what it means, but it doesn't seem to look good...


            • #7
              I was playing around with your username and password and was just able to get entitled properly about an hour ago. I know we had an issue with propogating updates and new users to our authentication servers, which may have contributed to your issue. The help information can up correctly and I was able to retrieve time and sales data for "ES #F" on your account.

              Please let me know if you still experience problems.


              • #8
                COM using BSTRs for passing strings in and out, you may want to research ::SysAllocString for some hints.


                Simon Thornington
                eSignal Developer

