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MT Predictor

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  • MT Predictor

    I am currently on a trial of MT Predictor - a little software program that recognizes a part of the Elliot Wave pattern. The program is dependent on an API from eSignal version 7.7. And this is where the problem is: it crashes all the time giving the following message:
    at IESignal.HooksClass.get_RequestHistory(String sSymbol,String sInterval, barType btType, Int32 INumBars, Int32 IStartTime, Int32IEndTime)
    at MTPEod.Form1.1vRTmaintenanceClick()
    at MTPEod.From1.1vRTSymbolMaintenanceSymbols_DoubleCl ick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnDoubleClick(EventAr gse)
    at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage (Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(M essage& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr h Wnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam

    or similar messages

    Is there anybody that can help? MT Predictor and eSignal "freeze" and need to be started up many times/day.
    Your help would be very much appreciated.


  • #2
    Does your CPU utilization reach 100% before it crashes?


    • #3
      MT Predictor

      Dear Mr Robi Papp,

      Thank you for your reply. As far as I can see, it does not before it crashes. It does so after it crashes.

      I actually kept a record (of only a few days now) on what I am doing before it crashes and what happens. So far it crashes:
      1. when changing charts as found by the scanner by MTP
      2. on increasing volume in the market e.g. when the USA markets open. I am on European time.
      3.clogging: when the scanner from MTP is on for more than 30 minutes, it seems to "freeze" together with eSignal.

      Without MTP I did not have these problems, nor do have problems with my computer. I use ADSL, eSignal version 7.7 and MT Predictor build 43.

      I do recognize the problems however. Some years ago I had a trial to another Techanical Analysis software program with exactly the same problem with the API.

      I hope this helps. Thanks very much



      • #4
        I have contacted MT Predictor to see if we can work together to determine the cause of the problem. It looks to me like some things are not cleaned out efficiently.


        • #5
          MT Predictor

          Dear Mr Papp,

          Thank you for your involvement. To help as well, yesterday I send my "problem log file" to MT Predictor - a daily summary of problems encountered.
          For now the time involved distracts too much from real trading.
          Kinldy let me know if there are any improvements.




          • #6
            I know it's distracting, but can you at least send me the specs of your machine - in order to help replicate the issue?

            - Operating System
            - RAM
            - CPU speed



            • #7
              MT Predictor

              I appreciate your help very much. If you wish I can email you my problem log file. It includes the details of what has been happening these few days. I did send it also to MT Predictor (yesterday) to help sort out the problem.

              My computer details:
              eSignal 7.7
              MTP Build 43
              ADSL internet connection

              Normally my computer works well. There are no ads,no spyware or virusses slowing it down.
              My data computer is a separate computer than my order computer and only used for eSignal.

              Data Computer details:
              Computermodel: AWRDACPI
              BIOS-versie: Award Software International, Inc. 6.00 PG

              Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
              Versie: 5.1.2600
              Service Pack: 1.0
              Locatie: C:\WINDOWS

              Hotfix: Q817606

              Geheugen (RAM)

              Capaciteit: 256 MB

              Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz
              Versie: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4
              Snelheid: 1992 MHz

              With kind regards



              • #8
                Well, your RAM is a bit on the low side and could easily explain the problems you've been having. Take a look at out minimum requirements, and you will see your RAM is at our minimum level. I would consider yourself a Power User, as the MT Predictor application calculates its results all in memory. I think that is why we've been having a hard time replicating the issue.

                Everything else you have is adequate and I think you will see a significant increase in performance for probably under $100 US.

                You can find inexpensive memory for your system at


                • #9
                  MT Predictor

                  I will definitely follow up your recommendation.

                  Having said that, MT Predictor had issues with its API with many other customres. But you contacted them already you said; perhaps it is best to follow up with them.


                  • #10
                    Yes, I have been in contact with Steve at MT Predictor. Please post what you've upgraded to and the performance you gained after the upgrade.


                    • #11
                      MT Predictor

                      Today, November 11 2004, I upgraded to 512 MB RAM. It seems to work more "fluent" and the graphs appear a little bit faster when clicking on a selection of the scanner of MT Predictor. Time is obviously too short to say if it is working properly now or not.
                      I will keep you informed on the progress and possible problems, perhaps in a few days or so.

                      Kind regards



                      • #12
                        Great. Keep us informed.


                        • #13
                          Dear Robi,

                          I have experienced exactly the same problems with MTPredictor RT 4.0 (Build 49) and eSignal 7.7.
                          But unlike the other user, I have a dual P4 system, with 1GB RAM, 150GB HD. This obviously exclude the lack of sufficient RAM or low specs system as a potential cause of problem.

                          MTPredictor crashes 5/6 times a day (if not more) with nothing else running in the background (not even my firewall & anti-virus).
                          Interestingly, I have other softwares that also connect to, and retrieve data from eSignal and they have never (not once) crashed or hanged (or failed to retrieve data of any kind from eSignal).

                          The difference between these softwares and MTPredictor is the API used to connect to eSignal. While all the other softwares (which I have had for more than a year) use the "dbcapi.dll"(or the Standard API) which connect directly to the DM (data Manager), MTPredictor uses the "interop.iesignal.dll" (which I believe is part of the Desktop API).

                          The difference in API use leads me to believe that this is where the problem is. Which in turn will leads me to believe that the Desktop API has issues.

                          Could you please clarify what the issues are and provide possible workarounds, so that we can continue working while you guys are looking into these issues.

                          Kind regards,
                          Obi-One Kenobi


                          • #14
                            FWIW, just because one program uses one API, while another uses a different API, while the first one crashes a lot, but the other one doesn't... Doesn't mean it has anything to do with the API. I'm not saying it absolutely can't be related to the API, but I would be talking to the makers of MT Predictor about the solution as opposed to the makers of the API used by MT Predictor. Since the MT Predictor folks are in a position to provide eSignal with the code they use when calling the API, that would be the quickest path to a solution it would seem.

                            Cheers... George


                            • #15
                              1. Looking at the number of posts all over the web on the Desktop API, one can easily see and say that there are some "minor" issues with the API.

                              2. While the MTPredictor makers are working on other solutions (which they are), eSignal needs to try and figure out why so many people (different applications) are experiencing similar problems. This is to the interest of everybody: eSignal, ISVs, individual developers and custs.

                              3. When I compared the two APIs, I was illustrating the fact that the user's system specs had nothing to do with the crashes which Robi kind of implied in his responses to the other user:

                              " Well, your RAM is a bit on the low side and could easily explain the problems you've been having."

                              Sending the user to spend cash in system upgrade, while it is clear that the problem lies elsewhere.

                              4. I am not saying that eSignal did a bad job. What I am saying is that this API is not as stable as it's older brother: the Standard API.
                              Having said that, the underlying technology is probably (almost sure about this, although I haven't seen the API) playing a big role (as is usual the case).

                              Although you can most certainly solve almost every programming problem with VB and the likes, it doesn't mean that the provided solutions will be as robust, reliable and efficient as C++ (for instance).

                              We have become lazy with the many technological choices we now face. And, many a times we are forced to make our technological choices based on: Time To Delivery. Very few spend time considering the impact that these technological choices will have on the proposed solutions.

                              This API is not robust enough to serve the kind of requests generated by client apps, nor is it reliable. This lack of robustness, reliability is strongly linked to the technological choices made.

                              5. We need, sorry, eSignal needs to address the issues, for the benefice of its cuts and thus its own.

                              Obi-One Kenobi

