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Entitlement for a particular feature

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  • Entitlement for a particular feature

    Greetings again,

    In my app before attempting to request historical data from eSignal I first check for a user's credentials (IsEntitled) and then for supplied symbol to be valid (IsValidSymbol). But I think I need to cover one more scenario that is a combination of the first two. Let's say you have basic eSignal subscription with no access to Forex data. If you about to request data for Euro, IsValidSymbol() will be success but nothing good will come out from calling get_RequestHistory() and expecting OnBarsReceived() to kick in.

    Is there a way to check if a user entitled for a particular market instrument before reuqesting a history?


  • #2
    I hear crikets... Either my question was stupid or API designers don't want to aknowledge the lack of this feature.



    • #3
      Actually, the API designers are having trouble getting back to the office . . .

      No, there is not a way to check user level entitlements. In fact, for a commercial application, the SetApplication() function will not have the user's username in it, rather an application string that identifies the commercial application. So, you will not be able to do what you are attemptiing anyway.

      What you can do is if you do not receive data for a very common symbol on a particular exchange prompt a the user to verify that they are entitled.


      • #4
        Thank you.

        But when my app is ready to hit the market with eSignal feeds intergration, wouldn't a user need to provide his username/password to utilize it? I think a user should have a subscription to eSignal to use my app.



        • #5
          The user will need to place their username and password into the DataManager for them to access data, so yes they will need an eSignal account. The commercial string is a mechanism so that the users will not need to purchase the ActiveX Development service to their account. By purchasing an application string, you essentially have taken that cost burden for them.

          Another function you may be interested in is the ValidateUser (or AuthorizeUser?) funtion. It is a function that makes a call to an external site for you to verify which eSignal users you have authorized to use your software.


          • #6
            I see. Thank you for clarifications! And now the question that I should have asked much earlier but better later than never: how much does it cost to purchase commercial application string?


