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What happened!?!? - Completely screwed

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  • What happened!?!? - Completely screwed

    Once upon a time (last Thursday) this simple piece of code worked

    Dim quote As IESignal.BasicQuote

    quote = esignal.GetBasicQuote("IBM")
    edtBid.Text = Str$(quote.dBid)
    edtAsk.Text = Str$(quote.dAsk)
    edtLast.Text = Str$(quote.dLast)

    Now - it doesn't. Moreover when I run this"

    esignal.RequestSymbol "IBM", True
    Dim quote As IESignal.BasicQuote

    quote = esignal.GetBasicQuote("IBM")
    edtBid.Text = Str$(quote.dBid)
    edtAsk.Text = Str$(quote.dAsk)
    edtLast.Text = Str$(quote.dLast)
    esignal.ReleaseSymbol "IBM"

    It doesn't work either UNLESS I put in a call to sleep around 500 ms after the RequestSymbol and before the call to GetBasicQuote. This blows since I was trying to cycle through about 400 basic quotes, a process that used to take less than a half-minute but with a half-second delay becomes about 4 minutes. What happened? Will the ActiveX continue to be this pathetically slow as this was a planned move. What kind of response times can I get from the high-end direct call (or whatever you want to call it) version?


  • #2
    With only 2 days to compare it against, it's hard to say. I know nothing has changed over the Holidays to cause this to occur. Was volume significantly different on the two days you are comparing?


    • #3
      Well actually, it has run fine for the last 4 months. The only difference of note is I upgraded to V 7.8 just before it happened. I uninstalled and reinstalled v7.7 but there was no difference in performance. If could be a v7.8 issue. I installed 7.7 over top of 7.8 but I suppose I should have checked all the files.


      • #4
        I didn't realize you upgraded from 7.7 to 7.8. If it was working good before, completely unstall 7.8, remove the directory and reinstall. After that, re-reference the control and re-build your application to get it back to the original state.

        I know there is a fix that will be in 7.9, but it was unrelated. I will need to see if there was a new problem introduced in 7.8.


        • #5
          Rolling back to 7.7 appears to have corrected the problem with the history. Since I only today was testing the GetBasicQuote as a standalone process, I can't reliably say whether it worked before without a sufficient timeout or not. If you have any suggestions as to how to most quickly retrieve a simple quote without having to a Request/Release, I would appreciate hearing it. I will probably move up to the API but 2.5K is pretty hard to swallow at the moment.



          • #6
            Never mind (loved Gilda). I can now slam 400 quotes in just a few seconds. I'll stay with v7.7 Thanks for your help.


