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Holiday bug perhaps?

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  • Holiday bug perhaps?

    Regarding my earlier posts about RequestHistory, the one common factor is that this problem occurred after the New's Years holiday too. I am beginning to think my earlier problem with quotes not working in 7.8 (they now fail in 7.7 this morning) is the result of the holiday weekend.

    Currently, my screener is just trying to get a 1 day quote as in

    lHistoryHandle = esignal.RequestHistory(:AMED", "D", 1, 1, -1, -1)

    Does not work in .NET (C# this time) or in the vb sample. TIA


  • #2

    I am quite new to this particular feed, and I have not tried all possible parameter/function combinations.
    Neither have I read your previous posts.
    If I get you right, you are attempting to request ONE bar of DAILY data, possible on a closing day (yesterday?).
    The way eSignal counts days (calendar vs market), and the way -1 defaults etc. etc. your request might unfortunately "not make much sense" to the servers.
    If you would try this on an open-market day, or for more than 1 day, this request would probably return some data.


    • #3
      Well, there are 6 parameters to the RequestHistory function. You are forgetting the barType property, which is probably throwing things off.

      handle = esignal.RequestHistory("MSFT", "1", btDays, 1, 1, -1, -1)

