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Beginners question about API-samples

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  • Beginners question about API-samples


    I'm going to program an interface to the eSignal stream using the ActiveX control. (Let me just say that I have long experience of coding exchange/datastream interfaces, I'm not a beginner per se)

    I started by loading the samples, but I have troubles with them. They run, but give me no data. The eSignal Desktop API Sample for example. The symbols I use are the EUR/USD Futures on Globex, ie "6E H5". They work fine in the eSignal main app, but not in this sample. I have also tried the VB sample with similar lack of success. I have debugged them, but see no obvious problems.

    I'm sure there is some stupid detail I've missed, but what???

    Thanks for any help


  • #2
    Have you added ActiveX for Development to your account?

    Have you placed your username in the SetApplication() function?


    • #3
      Have you added ActiveX for Development to your account?

      DOH # 1

      Have you placed your username in the SetApplication() function?

      DOH #2

      I said it was simple! Let me give you a suggestion: Write this info with CAPITALS first in the docs. The rest is easy to grasp, once you get over this hurdle.

      Also, since it works coding with C#, why dont you add a few short notes about it in the docs? Thankfully, I found a comment about it here, otherwise it would have costed me a couple of days to solve it.

      Anyway, thanks!


      • #4
        It is stated on page 2-1, in the second paragraph.

        Well, C# (.NET) became available after the Reference Guide was created. I will make sure to add it in the next revision.

