i code in c#.i have foll questions reg. T&S request& response
1,int lHandle=m_esignal.get_RequestTimeSales(ref tsFilter);
after this call i check
int result=m_esignal.get_IsTimeSalesReady(lHandle);
result =0 for first time request of a symbol.
onTimeSalesChanged(lHandle) fires,and i check
barcount=m_esignal.get_GetNumTimeSalesBars(lHandle );
barcount=0 for 2 or 3 calls and then it gives me data.after 4clock,
barcount is somewhere less than ten.
why is this?calling DoSymbolLink() before placing the request didn't do the trick.
is it cause it takes time to prepare history,and since the datacount is large during the end of day,wait time is long.
2.ReleaseTimesales(lhandle) doesn't really take symbols off from data manager,but prevent the update.this means that it is still caching ticks for that symbol.is that correct.so,when next request comes for symbol in symbol list,tickhistory is ready.during the closing of the day,response becomes slower and slower and at one time there is no response at all.how do u explain this.
3.in short ,i like to know how the data manager work with T&S.is there some doc to refer to this topic.
i appreciate if someone cud shed some light on this.
i code in c#.i have foll questions reg. T&S request& response
1,int lHandle=m_esignal.get_RequestTimeSales(ref tsFilter);
after this call i check
int result=m_esignal.get_IsTimeSalesReady(lHandle);
result =0 for first time request of a symbol.
onTimeSalesChanged(lHandle) fires,and i check
barcount=m_esignal.get_GetNumTimeSalesBars(lHandle );
barcount=0 for 2 or 3 calls and then it gives me data.after 4clock,
barcount is somewhere less than ten.
why is this?calling DoSymbolLink() before placing the request didn't do the trick.
is it cause it takes time to prepare history,and since the datacount is large during the end of day,wait time is long.
2.ReleaseTimesales(lhandle) doesn't really take symbols off from data manager,but prevent the update.this means that it is still caching ticks for that symbol.is that correct.so,when next request comes for symbol in symbol list,tickhistory is ready.during the closing of the day,response becomes slower and slower and at one time there is no response at all.how do u explain this.
3.in short ,i like to know how the data manager work with T&S.is there some doc to refer to this topic.
i appreciate if someone cud shed some light on this.