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ASP COM or DLL Object?

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  • ASP COM or DLL Object?

    My purpose is to create an ASP (Active Server Pages (Classic ASP, Not .Net)) web based custom solution for personal use. I would like the ability to obtain all of the detailed information available per stock from my .asp page. It appears that it is possible, as the AGET Scanner appears to do this very thing.

    I have extensively searched the eSignal forums for any type of ASP API. I was only able to find 2 posts that touched on the subject, both of which the user was directed to the desktop API file share, which does not address the ASP API.

    Does eSignal provide some kind of COM object or DLL or some other type of component that can be referenced from my .asp page that communicates directly with the data manager, similar to DDE, to obtain detailed stock information. And if so, where can I obtain some sample scripts in ASP that use such a DLL?

  • #2
    We do not offer an API that is specifically catered to ASP because of redistribution issues. It is far too risky for us to maintain vendor of record reporting with such a tool.

    The Desktop API is a COM object and should provide the functionality that you are after, but I do not have any examples in ASP.

