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Open price data

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  • Open price data

    Currently my Open price for listed stocks is showing yesterdays Close price pre market (until the new days Open price prints). This is messing up some signals for me when I start a program pre market. Is there a way for it to be zero until the open print? I do not want to use historical bars since this program is scanning 300+ stocks.


  • #2
    Nobody can help?

    I found out today that bid x ask data also shows previous day close data until the open. This imo is unacceptable because anyone with a pre-market program that is based on NY open data has no way to flag if the data is new or old.

    Please....there must be a solution.


    • #3
      Under File->Preferences there is a checkbox for Premarket Display, which clears out a few things. I think this is what you are looking for.


      • #4
        Originally posted by eSignal Robi
        Under File->Preferences there is a checkbox for Premarket Display, which clears out a few things. I think this is what you are looking for.
        No, sorry I am talking about data through the Desktop API.


        • #5
          The Desktop API gets data from eSignal, not from the Data Manager, so if the data is the way you want it in eSignal, then it will be that way in the API as well. I am not certain this will work, but you can try. You can just as easily add logic in your code to replace the Open price with something else if the current time is before the market open.


          • #6
            Originally posted by eSignal Robi
            The Desktop API gets data from eSignal, not from the Data Manager, so if the data is the way you want it in eSignal, then it will be that way in the API as well. I am not certain this will work, but you can try. You can just as easily add logic in your code to replace the Open price with something else if the current time is before the market open.
            Thanks Robi, I tried this pre-market a few mins ago (6:05 pst) and the fields still show yesterdays final bid x ask data :-(

            In Esignal the data shows zero, but not through the API.

            Re: "You can just as easily add logic in your code to replace the Open price with something else if the current time is before the market open." The problem is that NY stocks are opening from about 6:30pst to 6:40pst, not all at once. So if I start the bid x ask data fields at 6:30pst they will still fill in with yesterdays data until a new bid x ask is displayed for that morning. This issue derails the whole program.

            Attached is a screen shot showing the fields and time. The option for Pre-Market display is checked.

            Attached Files


            • #7
              Which function are you using? Get TimeandSales, GetBasicQuote, or XMLGetBasicQuote?

              Have you tried all three with the same result?

