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Crash Report problem

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  • Crash Report problem

    I start eSignal with VB6's IDE up. I start my application, check IsEntitled (no problems). I set eSignal to nothing in the unload sub. Then when I try to shut down eSignal, this Crash Report window pops up and up and up and up and up... I have to do control + alt + delete again and again and again and again. I can't even send a crash report. THAT gives me errors. Any ideas? Just isn't practical to go through so much to try stuff and debug.

  • #2
    7.8 has a problem with the Desktop API that would cause a crash when your program exits. This has been fixed in 7.9, due out today.


    • #3
      Where can I get 7.9?

      Where can I get 7.9? Would there be a problem using WMI as in:

      Public Sub CloseAPP_B(AppNameOfExe As String)
      Dim oProcList As Object
      Dim oWMI As Object
      Dim oProc As Object
      Dim theProcess As String
      Dim theApplication As String

      If Len(AppNameOfExe) > 15 Then
      AppNameOfExe = Left(AppNameOfExe, 15)
      End If

      'step1: create WMI object Instance:
      Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:")
      If IsNull(oWMI) = False Then
      'step2: create object collection of Win32 processes:
      Set oProcList = oWMI.InstancesOf("win32_process")
      'step3: iterate through the enumerated collection:
      For Each oProc In oProcList
      'option to close a process:
      theProcess = UCase(oProc.Name)
      theApplication = UCase(AppNameOfExe)
      If UCase(oProc.Name) = UCase(AppNameOfExe) Then
      oProc.Terminate (0)
      End If 'IsNull(oWMI)=False
      'report error
      End If
      'step4: close log file; clear out the objects:
      Set oProcList = Nothing
      Set oWMI = Nothing
      End Sub

      And just shut down winsig.exe when I shut down my application? Rather not do it if 7.9 doesn't require it.


      • #4
        7.9 was released today. It is on our main page.


        • #5
          Thanks Robi

          I appreciate the info. Good forum. Beginning to find my way.

