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Exceeding symbol limit

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  • Exceeding symbol limit

    I have a program that goes through a list of a few thousand symbols and gets bar quotes. As I go though the list I pause the app while there are over 100 quote requests pending, my quote limit.

    When I receive the Bar quote I kill the request Historyhandle by executing

    esignal.releasehistory lhistory

    This line sends the request

    lngHistoryHandle = esignal.RequestHistory(strSymbol, "d", bt, 1, -1, -1)

    A lot of the symbols are outdated (I found it on your site at
    So when a request doesn't come back I assume it is a bad symbol and kill the request using .ReleaseHistory

    Is there something i'm forgetting to do in order to clean up that request?

    I'm using a timeout of my own which is about 30 seconds and then i kill the request. Is there a built in timeout that I have to wait for anyway?

    Thank you,

  • #2
    ReleaseHistory is the correct call to end a RequestHistory. Depending on what you are doing, you may need to call ClearSymolCache.

    You might want to look into XMLGetBasicQuote instead of RequestHistory since you are only grabbing one bar.

    There is no built in time out event. You might want to also call IsValidSymbol before making the request if you think it might not be valid. IsValidSymbol appears to require an upper case symbol.

    Cheers... George

