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winros crash

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  • winros crash

    Hi, guys.

    I have problem with winros crashing for no obvious reason. That's what event log says
    Faulting application winros.exe, version, faulting module Mfc42.dll, version 6.0.8447.0, fault address 0x00014e37.

    Once restarted it usually works fine for the rest of day. It's executed from windows scheduler with special user account.

    I'm wondering if someone from techincal support can help, or at least point me in right direction. Maybe you guys have any log files on machine? or core dumps?


  • #2
    MFC42.dll error

    Do you have any McAfee products installed?


    • #3
      I do not have it, but I have the Coumputer Associates eTrust antivirus installed in this PC.


      • #4
        winros crash

        to: sgijoe
        No, I don't. It's a clean production sever, used for esignal and DB server only, with very limited internet access and no nasty tools like antiviruses.


        • #5
          winros crash

          to guo5598:
          Why do you reply to question addressed to somebody else? Do you have same problem with winros or what? anyway you can open your own thread, or at least state you have the same issue here. I do want support from esignal guys for this particular problem.
          Nothing personal.


          • #6
            Does this problem only occur when it is executed from the Scheduler? When does it crash in the day? Does it occur at the same time?


            • #7
              winros crash

              Thanks for your attention Robi.
              As far as I see yes, it happens when run from scheduler. But we also have almost identical setup on other client or two, scheduler is used. And everything seems to be OK. The only differences I can think about:
              - special user rights.
              - it's run when there is no users logged in to this machine(no any user sessions are open). So it's run on a background.

              It's not at the same time. it happened around 6 am couple times, one time around 11 am. Today it did not happen at all.

              I had couple guesses:
              - it tries to write smth to the log, but does not have enough rights on that directory(not sure if it has such log)
              - It tries to open some network connection on a port which is not normally used(and because of firewall is not able to), Maybe because our app subscribes for smth unusual.

              Unfortunately I could not find any file system, network requrements in documentation.

              Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

