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IsEntitled() always fails

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  • IsEntitled() always fails

    I'm getting a false response on IsEntitled using the Desktop API. Support has verified that I have added ActiveX to my account, although I can't tell when I check my account myself. Also, the eSignal Data Manager's Receiver menu, Communications Settings, "Services" shows Basic services of "NYSE AMEX NASD MFMM SPOR INDX FILE N-BA A-BA FULL ATIC BB PCFC AUTH0" and Permium services of "L0 S500" none of which includes the "AXH" or "AXQ" codes for ActiveX development.

    My ActiveX interface code is as follows. It always returns a FALSE for the IsEntitled() part (I use my actual account user ID in place of "myUserID" below.). The code does activate eSignal on my computer and does bring up the eSignal Data Manager. I have also tried waiting 5 seconds between issuing the "SetApplication()" part and the "IsEntitled()" part, with same result.

    CAObjHandle simApp;

    int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)

    if (IESignal_NewIHooks (NULL, 1, LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, &simApp) < 0)
    return 0;
    // set the application
    IESignal_IHooksSetApplication (simApp, NULL, "myUserID");
    // check for entitlement
    if (IESignal_IHooksGetIsEntitled (simApp, NULL, NULL)==TRUE)
    MessagePopup("","Not Entitled");
    return 0;

  • #2
    I was able to get it to work. The "IESignal_IHooksGetIsEntitled (simApp, NULL, &lVal)" is the correct call. where lVal contains the result of TRUE or FALSE.

