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Multiple Symbols

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  • Multiple Symbols

    Looking through the developers notes, I see that we can specify a currency symbol, and receive updates for that currency whenever the price changes. However to receive a rate for another currency we must first release the first symbol and request the second. Its there a way of requesting multiple symbols at the same time and receive updates for these multiple symbols without releasing and requesting each time for each currency? Can anyone help me with this or have a more efficient solution?

  • #2
    Yes, you can recieve multiple symbols. Currency symbols are just like any other symbols and there are numerous examples in the File Share on how to use handles to identify the responses from the symbols.


    • #3
      Request using multiple symbols

      Is there a limit to number of symbols that you can request history for at one time without releasing / requesting for each one? If your esignal account is set for 100, 200, ... symbols, does this govern the number of symbols per ' eSignal.RequestHistory ' ?


      • #4
        Yes. The limit is the same as your max symbol count for you eSignal account.

        Cheers... George

